Do You Believe in Evolution

fucking :rofl: !!!

Not unless God wants it to.

I’m OK with that. :slight_smile:


Like, duh dood, duh.


maybe you should spend some time and make some real life friends rather than sit around and talk shit to people you don’t know. then maybe you’ll understand why grammar isnt important on an internet forum. If you judge someones intelligence by that, you yourself, are very, very stupid.

  • ur a fag. one of those kids that refers to people on here as their friend that they’ve never met, for sure.

LOL reading all ur posts in this thread ur being a fag to everyone that doesnt give a fuck. what are you going to do tomorrow when you realized you spent a good chunk of your day yelling at people to vote in your stupid fucking poll on the internet LOL fucking faggot go get some pussy.
HA and ur 29 I could have swore you were 18 by the way you talk

real fucking “intelligent”

I wouldn’t say fag, I mean, I’ve given Fry a handjob or two but that’s about it.

typical - oops I am embarrassed and dont really have a life so ill ride a mod cock and hopefully the site wont all hate me - response. It was ALMOST witty though.

don’t try so hard to fit in. you’re embarrassing me just for being a member.

omg… stop digging.

It’s not like we made eye contact during it?

Holy fucking hell I’m tempted to go on a spring cleaning banfest to get rid of some of these fucking retards. Why the fuck doesn’t spelling and grammar matter? Are you not attempting to communicate via written english? Do you not care about being understood accurately?

if something is so poorly written it cannot be understood, great. if someone is gonna attempt to talk shit and the only thing they can come up with is “haha you’re so stupid you said UR”, you need to ban those people. Those are the fucking retards causing the problem.

I wonder what the result of this poll would be over on KSspeed (if such a place existed). I’m still a little shocked that 10% here don’t believe in something so simple as evolution.

So people aren’t allowed to be religious and believe what religion tells you? Or think that there is something else other than evolution?


I didn’t imply that they weren’t “allowed”, just that they are either stupid, brainwashed, or ignorant for it. First two reasons not being their fault, the cure for ignorance though is knowledge. It’s just my very opinionated opinion.



Ive got such a homo erectus right now

LOL guys.