Do you have a fenced in back yard?

we have a total of 12 acres…

we will need ~800 feet …

chain link will be the best …and i can do it myself …

anyone have hook-ups?

use that deer orange fencing shit lol

Well I guess that’s not totally base-less, but still couldn’t she just tell her kids not to climb the fucking fence? Or at last be careful? Kids climb shit. I climbed trees that were a lot higher than a 6’ fence when I was little. It was fun. I didn’t die.

yes, but you probably had friends there. They’re sitting on top of the 6 ft fence texting each other :lol:

I left all the stickers on my fence :slight_smile:
I also replaced a panel, and left the plastic and stickers on it as to avoid damaging the sticker.

i put up a wood fence 2 years ago. the gated sections are 4’, and the rear section connecting my house and garage is 6’

we put it in ourselves in less than a day. fairly strait forward. cost was roughly $900 of materials

but how many feet??

I don’t even have a yard … I suck.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I’ve got a large house with a dog house in my back yard, and even my dog house got a back yard!

Go with wood or chainlink, I see vinyl ones blown down all the time, they suck. They look nicer but are not as strong, plus they are 3x more expensive. I put up a wooden one in my ward two years ago and have not had a problem with it yet, although I still need to stain it.

hmmm, not sure of the exact footage. ill count the panels tonight for ya to get the rough footage

i thought the title was slang for “hairy ass” …kids these days. :sigh:


make a cinderblock wall, your kids will think they’re playing in a castle, it’ll be awesome.

I have a pretty standard picket fence. Looks decent. Was pricey to have installed though.

You can see it in the background of this picture.

no fence for me, I don’t want to block the view of the pond and neither of my neighbors have fences so our lots look a lot bigger as a result.

chain link is banned by the homeowner’s association due to ghetto-ness, but a few houses down they have it anyway and I guess nobody cares.

I invented an invisible fence in high school for children. it involved a chip in a bracelet or tied onto there shoe laces. and a monitor. notifies you when child steps out of perimeter, or into a perimeter(pool)

yes but does it zap them? then its worth it

except by the time mom puts down the spatula and runs outside to find her kid, he has already made his way into the road.