Do you have a fenced in back yard?

Am I the only person who sees something a little sexual out of this title lol…

I guess its just my twisted head…

see post #32

Haha… glad im on the same page as that guy!

here is a quick idea of what we are going to be doing

i fig we need 160ft … if i can buy a 250ft big roll that would be the best

nice wood one would be nice like on the left side here in pic

chain link came with house

Ew. Don’t go with chained or vinyl. I’d go with wood. Like 6ft high fence. That’s what I had my whole life. It’s awesome.

I have a guy I can hook you up with that will/should take pretty good care of ya.PM me if interested

D i might need one this summer for a place in East Amherest.
I’ll shoot you a note when im ready

k lmk.

Just make it high enough to keep the coyotes out if you have little ones. :wink:

Side note; have you seen the bald eagles yet in East Otto?

yes there is one that flys around … we also have a big ass Blue Heron that lives on our land

We don’t need a 6 ft fence…we live in the country with no close houses and are just looking for something to keep the kids in.

And yes the eagle passes by our house just about everyday around 3:30, I see him/her when I am waiting for our oldest son to get off the bus.

get a fence asap so u can hire me to take pix when its warm out u silly geese. do u have geese there? i hope so!

bald eagle and a fenced in back yard is an unusual combination.

LOL I just mentioned the bald eagles because I know people down there that see them on occasion.