youll find these all over the place if you pay attention.
Did you ever wonder why there were black rubber tubes layed across the road in random places??
The rubber tube when driven over send a puff of air to a sensor that counts the axles that drive over it… so they can monitor traffic… Im sure they monitor time between pulses and amount.
Ive seen em everywhere. usually they are accompanied by a small black box on one side of the road.
50 cent got arrested in manhattan the other day for unsafe lane change in his chrome lambo, yet when i got hit and run by a taxi (at a stoplight) who cut across 3 lanes, including a bus lane to get away, no one stopped him.
nyc/long island don’t have sensors in the lights… not sure if we’re better off. usually doesn’t hurt to wait. but yes we have great reflexes, we are taught that if you see an opening just go, don’t wait, otherwise you’ll never get over and the other car(s) will make room for you. clearly this isn’t taught in drivers ed though.
long island does have ridiculously long yellow lights though.
nonetheless, we still have old people and idiot girls on their cell phones in their luxury cars who feel they can take up 3 lanes to turn, don’t need to signal or stop at lights. :rant:
Yeah there are sensors in the pavement to sense about how many cars there are waiting in the turn lane and sets the timer based on that…sensors in the lights is silly because of the weather around here…
I know the one for UB at Flint and Millersport was completely based on hte amount of cars in line…
People there never pay attention and there are gaps all time but because there are 30 cars in line at a time…when there are only a few the arrow is much shorter…
I’m glad I live in the boonies where there is only 1 traffic light…
But I definately know some are run by the censors because at night when I take county rd. home, there is one light at goodrich, and right as you pull up and stop it turns green…every time…