do you think feeding a puppy to a snake would be wrong?

This is horrible. Ugh.

thats not even funny. super fucked up

this is complete BS. like people said before, whats the difference between feeding it a dog and feeding it some sort of rodant?

Dogs are considered pets, rodants are rodants… :ham:

If my bf ever fed my puppy to his snake.

i would feed his dick to the blender.

I guess I can see both sides. I know one thing hitler did to de-humanize his SS mini’s was to raise a puppy for 6 months and then kill them with their bare hands. Yet I have to agree, it was HIS dog and HIS snake. Whats the fuss about? I want to see how exactly they plan to put him away for feeding his snake a puppy, as sad as it may be.

hahaha best response in this thread :lolham:

on a more serious note, this is how serial killers get their start

Really though, why would you feed a puppy to a snake? Even if YOU own it. That’s like saying it’s ok to feed a baby to a snake because you created it. Uh NO.

Dog is mans best friend
What if I ate your best friend?

What if the dog ate the snake?

 What would Ice Cube would say about this?

I think this is totaly fucked up! I couldn’t find the video of it anywhere on youtube or anywhere!!! What kind of sick fuck would do this and not videotape this for the rest of us to enjoy! What is this the dark ages?!
I have no pity for people like this. He should get what he deserves!

hey thats a big snake, would take a lot of “rodants” to fill that thing up…Puppies are nearly free from the pound.

what about rabbits? people feed then to snakes all the time

i would eat this dude alive if given the chance.

show me one fucking mouse that can offer me undying loyalty and conpanionship. Show me a therapy rat, or a seeing eye rabbit?

what the fuck is wrong with everyone?

I really hope that you aren’t basing your judgedment on intellegence of the animals in question.

why not?

OMG fucking messed up. Someone should beat that guy with a big 2x4 with a nail in it. many many times.

ever eat pork?

Touche…pigs are VERY smart. So are wild turkeys. But they taste so damn good!

a havent eat pork since i was 12 years old.

while some may consider it despicable, and some may consider it a natural function of nature, I don’t see this person as a menace to society. It is these types of charges that clog up our legal system and crowd our jails.