do you think feeding a puppy to a snake would be wrong?


It’s a lot more complicated than, “You eat pigs, they’re smart, so that should be illegal”.

For example, if I build a giant air cannon and start shooting pigs 300’ in the air just to watch them go splat in the parking lot, that’s illegal. Animal cruelty.

If on the other hand I raise a pig, kill it as humanely as possible, butcher it, and eat it, that’s fine. And by “fine” I mean from a legal standpoint. Please don’t come in here with some PETA stance, because I’m just going to tell you to go fuck yourself. :slight_smile: The pig got a rough break in life by being so easily made into such tasty things as ham, bacon and pork chops.

As for mice vs dogs, the laws do differentiate between different species. A mouse falls very low on the food chain, into the section we consider nuisance and or food. A mouse is a naturally occuring food source for a snake.

Dogs on the other hand, are a protected species. They are not legal for human or any other consumption. The domesticated dog does not appear anywhere in nature, and is not a natural food source for any species.

So even putting aside my love of dogs, just from a legal standpoint this guy deserves everything the judge throws at him.


a havent eat pork since i was 12 years old.


your a fucking idiot, Hate to tell you Rats can be incredibly intelligant and many people own rabbits and guinea pigs that are quite often fed to snakes.

The only grounds they might have for this would be malintention of the purpose of adoption from wherever he got the puppy from. Now if he purchased it from someplace without any kind of agreement, that’s another story he can feed it to whatever he chooses.

I’m a huge animal lover, and wouldn’t ever dream of doing this myself but a snake that size has to eat so 15 rats or a puppy…


I’m a huge animal lover, and wouldn’t ever dream of doing this myself but a snake that size has to eat so 15 rats or a puppy…


One rabbit every now and again would keep the snake full. They dont have to eat very often.

Basicly boils down to the fact that in this culture dogs are concidered pets and part of the family. They are not looked at as a food source. So when people do this its a problem. Just how we look at a cow as food and over in india its a scared animal. He should get charged for it because he was doing it for the entertainment value.


your a fucking idiot





Really though, why would you feed a puppy to a snake? Even if YOU own it. That’s like saying it’s ok to feed a baby to a snake because you created it. Uh NO.


Yeah, its the same thing because dogs and humans are the same.:bloated:

i eat meat, and im not picky… beef, rabbit, snake, pretty much whatever. im sure the snake is thinking the same thing.
meat is meat
if the dog was raised as food, then thats what it was. just like a cow, a duck, a chicken, or any other animal.

cute and fuzzy doesnt make it any less tasty


Yeah, its the same thing because dogs and humans are the same.:bloated:


they are. Only reason you think otherwise is because you are a human. Im sure the dog thinks its more important then you.


they are. Only reason you think otherwise is because you are a human. Im sure the dog thinks its more important then you.


what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our ability to reason…

it would be cool if we could put down (like a lame animal) all the humans that dont use this ability.


what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our ability to reason…

it would be cool if we could put down (like a lame animal) all the humans that dont use this ability.




they are. Only reason you think otherwise is because you are a human. Im sure the dog thinks its more important then you.



Wow I really wish I would have gotten in on this thread earlier… but I’m pretty late.

Most people posting in this thread are idiots, just gotta throw that out there.

I see it as a problem if one of the 15 year old kids ( not mentioned once after 50 posts ) brought their pet over to be fed to this snake. I don’t see it as a problem if the guy has dogs and frequently uses them for food. Like someone else said, animals are raised to be used as food all the time. And like someone else said, just because it’s cute and furry doesn’t excuse it from the aforementioned rule.


Most people posting in this thread are idiots, just gotta throw that out there.


Add yourself to that count.

The simple fact is, regardless of your intent when raising a dog, in this country it cannot be used as food, human or otherwise. That makes the act of feeding it to the snake illegal, end of discussion.

And you’re never going to see a lawmaker in this country introduce a bill to classify dogs as “consumable”, because it would be career suicide.


The simple fact is, regardless of your intent when raising a dog, in this country it cannot be used as food, human or otherwise. That makes the act of feeding it to the snake illegal, end of discussion.


I didn’t realize the discussion in this thread had ventured into the legality of what the guy did in comparison to the morality of it.

Especially considering that’s what most posters so far have been disputing.



thats not even funny. super fucked up



haha glendale is like family suburbia in az.

meh, who cares

one’s cute, other’s not

guess which one lawmakers/ society will look out for

end thread

I’m not upset about this at all :gotme:

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:25,topic:28348"”]

If my bf ever fed my puppy to his snake.

i would feed his dick to the blender.


:jawdrop: :ohnoes: :hang: :eek: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!