do you think feeding a puppy to a snake would be wrong?

i’m just here for the pics in the first post.


As for mice vs dogs, the laws do differentiate between different species. A mouse falls very low on the food chain, into the section we consider nuisance and or food. A mouse is a naturally occuring food source for a snake.


A puppy is a natural occuring food source for a boa constrictor (if he’s big enough). Hell, humans are a naturally occuring food source for boa constrictors. Just ask dude in the Amazon. Or Ice Cube.


Dogs on the other hand, are a protected species. They are not legal for human or any other consumption. The domesticated dog does not appear anywhere in nature, and is not a natural food source for any species.


Who is to say what is legal for an animal’s consumption? Boa Constrictors gotta eat too you know. Last I checked nature didn’t follow man made laws. Chaos Rules, and nature will find a way. :slight_smile:

but you’d feed a rabbit to a snake? Even if you own it? Or a cute little white mouse, or a big rat to a snake? Even if you own it? :uhh:

No. I wouldn’t feed a rabbit to a snake. I would indeed feed a mouse though because that’s what I bought it for. Hence FEEDER MICE.

Listen, I don’t know how you guys are on this dude’s side. HE FED A PUPPY TO A SNAKE. A PUPPY. Man’s best friend.

Maybe I’m just an animal lover, or you’re all fucked in the head. You don’t just go around killing animals. Even if it’s for food. And you’re all gonna say “ohhhh do you eat meat?” Yes. I do. That’s NOT the point.


dawn, i’d feed you to the snake if i had a chance. :open_mouth:

but if it was the kids dog, i have a problem with it. shrug. or if it was my dog. or if it was cutesy. maybe the dog needed to be euthenized (sp) snd it was cheaper to just feed it to the snake. you dont know. maybe the dog lost a bet. etc. the media manipulates!!

i don’t think a snake would eat me. one look and it’d be heading in the other direction.

As much sense as it makes, I have to second JayS. Anyone can become de-sensitized to anything. Hitler killed humans like it was nothing. The laws of this country state we can’t feed DOGS to anything. If a chinese family was found out to be raising and eating dogs because they did in their culture, I’m sure they would get busted as well because this is America. Same way we can’t chop the hands off of people if we catch them stealing as you can in other countries, they would sue you and take all your money, its just the American justice system at its best.

I see it as no more cruel than feeding mice to a snake.

In fact i’d rather have more dead dogs, because dogs fucking suck ass.

Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and mice are considered “feeders”. That is the only reason this is considered by some as morally wrong.

Fact is that primitive practices are not more acceptable because they are “part of the culture. Here are a few for example.

The Roman Circus where throwing people to the lions was considered entertainment
Slave markets where shackled humans were offered for sale
Burning unwanted and uncomfortable people at the stake
Bull fights, which Spain has now agreed to abolish
Female circumcision
Honor killing, still practiced

i have a boa… and whatever


your a fucking idiot, Hate to tell you Rats can be incredibly intelligant and many people own rabbits and guinea pigs that are quite often fed to snakes.

The only grounds they might have for this would be malintention of the purpose of adoption from wherever he got the puppy from. Now if he purchased it from someplace without any kind of agreement, that’s another story he can feed it to whatever he chooses.

I’m a huge animal lover, and wouldn’t ever dream of doing this myself but a snake that size has to eat so 15 rats or a puppy…


yo willard! go fuck yourself. I didn’t ask if people fed rats and rabbits to snakes or had other really lame pets.

There are too many goddamn people in the world. Especially Chinese and Indians. They smell bad too. Whereas puppies are cute. So, it only makes sense to feed the people to the snake and not the puppy. Besides, puppies have a smaller carbon foot print. Whereas AlGore has a large one. So, if he fed AlGore to that snake, no prob.

Snake Food:

Snake Food:

Definitely Snake Food:

Reminder to self: only post when sober.


No. I wouldn’t feed a rabbit to a snake. I would indeed feed a mouse though because that’s what I bought it for. Hence FEEDER MICE.


How is this any different? He bought the dog. To feed the snake. Hence, FEEDER PUPPY :shrug:

because there isn’t such a thing as FEEDER PUPPY

And there’s such a thing as FEEDER MICE?

Cost of FEEDER PUPPY < Cost of FEEDER MICE (plural).

Saves money, and saves lives. :tup:

yes. go to a pet store. they’re labeled feeder mice.

whatever. feed all the puppies and rabbits and babies and kittens and whatever to whatever you want. i don’t care.

Obviously not. All those poor cute mice. Nobody cares about them.

This is America, Ill feed what I want to who I want.

Mabey snakes are just not very good pets to have since we have to have this kind of discussion of what the hell it is alowed to eat…

Also, while I think that if you were going to be crazy enough to own a snake and feed it rats and such, then a puppy doesn’t sound all that crazy either.

I believe that there are certain laws in America which give Dogs certain kinds of rights and protection from this sort of thing.

But on the other hand, how many dogs are being used in crazy experiements for major companies??? Nobody cares about them now do they???

Eh, just felt like throwing some more BS into this Chaotic thread.

People only raise an eyebrow if the animal is cute. Face it, if cows and chickens were cute… they’re be picketting about them too…


But on the other hand, how many dogs are being used in crazy experiements for major companies??? Nobody cares about them now do they???

Eh, just felt like throwing some more BS into this Chaotic thread.


Not to mention how many dogs are euthanized by the SPCA because “no one wants them” or we have too big a population.