Do you think it's trashy to steal $50 from a floundering company?

I’d say yes. I can see the point, to get people that would never consider a chrysler product in the door open-minded and hope that they fall in love with the truck. At least if you want your free $50, go in and take the test drive, say you’re not interested, then take your money. Using this backdoor is sketchy as hell.

Now that’s funny. People who are smart enough to go online and figure out how to get their $50 without test driving the truck are the perfect example of how our economy got this bad?

It wasn’t the idiots who signed up for mortgages they would never be able to pay?

It wasn’t the banks who gave these mortgages to people they knew would never be able to pay?

It wasn’t our government cutting taxes and increasing spending at the same time?

No, it wasn’t any of that. It was a few internet savy people who figured out how to get $50 from Chrysler without driving their new Ram.

Yeah, i’d like to say that if you REALLY want this 50 bucks, go take the test drive…

Even if you have NO intention of buying it, it’s still way LESS scummy.

The idea of the promotion is: If 100 people who aren’t interested come in, it costs dodge $5000, but also gives the salesmen 100 opportunities to sell the truck. Chances are even if someone isn’t interested, they still might decide to bite on it, and the promotion worked.

If 100 people use this backdoor and cheat the promotion, then they will sell 0 trucks.

No, this isn’t even remotely a reason, but it’s an acute example of American greed. American greed is why America is hurting.

The people who got mortgages that they couldn’t afford were GREEDY and wanted that big house.

The banks who gave those mortgages were GREEDY and wanted that interest/commission on the sale.

It was the GREED of people within our government who pushed for all sorts of programs that would better THEMSELVES via lobbyists, etc.

It is the people who want something for nothing.

People that want baller houses, but don’t want to work hard for them. That is just one single example. As Fry said, our generation is littered with people who expect everything to just come to them without hard work.

Which honestly, in the long run, is probably better for the country than putting 100 people in the drivers seat of gas guzzling Ram’s that they didn’t need or even want.

Still not 100% true. You don’t know that. To be honest mid 09 when my current lease is up I may go look for the HEMI Ram. At least give it a shot. Shit this whole thing is like when Fuccillo gives away footballs and stupid george foreman grills for test driving a scion. I’m all for screwing that dooshbag over but I have no need for a george foreman grill. However I did test drive a Scion XB before a Bills tailgate so I could get a free football.

If you want the 50 bucks, go and test drive the truck so your fulfilling the rules of the promotion. Even though it’s only 50 bucks, it’s still pretty much stealing if you’re not meeting the rules of the promotion, at least in my opinion.


Lets forget about what effects this may have for a while.

Will anyone argue that this is not cheating a struggling company out of $50 dollars?

What if those people are farmers, boat owners, race car teams, construction companies, landscape companies?

Out of the 100 people they might have test drive, they probably will only sell the truck to a small fraction of those people. And out of that fraction, some amount of those people probably have a legitimate use for it.

Or maybe they will test drive the Ram just for the 50 bucks, and happen to see a different car on the lot that they like.

Besides, who are you to talk? You drive a powerful V8 and your wife drives a damn expedition.

How is that bad? People who buy a Ram aren’t cross shopping it with a Fit or a Yaris, they’re cross shopping other gas guzzlers. This puts 100 people in American-made vehicles and shores up the jobs of the Americans that work for Chrysler and its suppliers a little bit more. Oil is not going to spike to 150 again based on demand, we’ve both seen that oil is much more influenced by speculation than actual demand increases. The main thing these companies are fighting with market sentiment is that perception of their quality is a lot worse than actual quality. They’re giving you $50 for the opportunity to prove you wrong, and this backdoor isn’t even giving the opportunity.

The first part of my post referred to behavior - this “something for nothing” attitude. Real change needs to happen, and it simply never will with the majority of americans’ constant display of greed and false sense of entitlement - even on this small $50 scale.

No it is not trashy, it’s opportunist and a perfect consequence of modern politics. There is limited or no accountability, transparency, honesty or integrity in goverment and in big business so why should regular people feel compelled to behave that way when interacting with government or big business?

They shouldnt; give them exactly what they give you. Take their money when ever you can.

The reason they did this is because there is a precedent in the automotive industry where even though some people will ‘cheat’ the system, by and larger the populus has bought into the whole American values bullshit, and it is bullshit, and they will act modestly with respect to this promotion.

In Lee Iaccocca’s bio he talked about when he introduced the over night test drive with Chrysler i think. They let people test drive the car and take it home with them and bring it back if they didnt want it.

Alot of the people in the boardroom thought it was a terrible idea and opened them up to alot of risk, especially given the financial situation they were in at the time. However, Lee reported that even though there was some exposure and that some people did do wrong by the program, by and large it was a great success.

No question that Dodge has accounted for a loss provision in their program budget. The people who put this program together may very well gauge its success by the number of $50 rebates given. It IS a marketing program and even if you dont test drive the car they still got a strong Dodge hit on you and put it top of mind.

I wont take the money because i dont have the time to do it, but i most certainly WOULD do it and would not feel trashy about it and would also not even consider any criticism that anyone would lay upon me for taking the $50.

In fact, i would say that you are naive to not take it for a number of reasons and that you NOT taking it will have an immaterial affect on Dodge anyways. The only reason you wont take it is to make yourself feel noble in a world where nobility is obsolete, or at least a weakness.

Yeah, the problem is, my wife and I are those people who work hard. We put ourselves through college, work 40+ hours a week, and put a little less than we’d like away for retirement because other bills have to come first. We sit here and watch the state raise our taxes while at the same time increasing welfare benefits, HEAP, medicaid, healthy NY and a host of other programs that benefit the people that haven’t worked hard to get where they are.

Then we watch the federal government throw money at the banks who got into trouble making some of the dumbest investment moves anyone could imagine (subprime mortgage trading).

We watch the federal government throw money at GM, even after the union who’s retirement and insurance costs put GM in danger of bankrupcy, refuses to take a $2-$3/hr pay cut as part of the bailout.

So yeah, I’m sorry, but if getting a free $50 when the country is fucking the hard working citizens like they are is greedy, sign me up on the greed roster.

Yeah, because it’s SUPER likely that a couple months down the road you’re going to walk into a dodge dealership SIMPLY BECAUSE they gave you 50 dollars 6 months ago. :roll:

Again how do you know what I am in the market for? I will be in the market for a SUV or Truck. Pretty sure the new dodge does fall into that category. However regardless of the $50…I would have gone there anyhow.

while i agree where is the line?
on the same note is it trashy to basically steal from the company you work for by sitting on the internet when they’re paying you to do a job?

the 50 dollar debit card is more blatant but, when is it to much?

where is the line when it’s not stealing anymore? Who decides that?

What i’m getting at is as time goes on morality is turning more gray all the time. Because everyone is fucking everyone else over, if you’re not fucking someone else over you’ll be the fucked one.

problem is, for every one of “you” out there(hard working americans that are pissed off), there are probably 20 ASSHOLES(poor people) who spend their entire lives looking for shit like this to exploit.

There are 2 people in this situation, hard working people who want their mother fucking tax money back, and poor people who want everything for nothing.

Us hard workers are seriously out-numbered. I would also rather be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.

It’s fundamentally wrong, but I wouldn’t lose any sleep over doing it and I doubt that anyone at Chrysler will either.