Do you think it's trashy to steal $50 from a floundering company?


Yeah, but the point is that you’re not obeying the promotion. If every person in the country went and test drove the truck and got their 50 bucks and NO ONE bought it, then fine, it’s Dodge’s fault. Exploiting an internet back door and never test driving it is not part of dodge’s plan, and apparently only a legal “get-around” for certain states.

so bitching about it on a forum is part of the solution? :gotme:

They’re only throwing money at the problem if the companies go under. If they manage to survive, they have to pay back the loans as their senior debt, with substantial interest. So really, you’re just screwing yourself, and everyone else, at a micro level.

um… that was my point.


IMO, not taking the $50 is.

On the plus side, the 16 of you who wont be getting your $800 assures that the 4 of us will get our $200

Wait what? So not take the $50 for doing something I would have willingly done at a later date?

My biggest problem with this whole thing is that this is supposed to be a car forum and you yambags are excited to find a way to get $50 without having to drive a big scary noisy powerful truck. :gay2:

I am not fucking over my company. They monitor my internet usage, they know what’s up. I also PRODUCE revenue generating products monthly that far outweigh my entire yearly salary.

Test driving and getting the $50 while never planning on getting the car, ok.

Internet back door, no test drive, no exposure to what they have to offer, not ok.

That should sum up this thread. Just go and test drive the damn car if you need $50 that bad. Hell, if $50 will make that much of a difference in your life, then you probably have the time to spare.

my opinion is that it’s trashy, but I gain pleasure from punishing a bad business model…


Thats a great idea. I will go test drive the truck. Give them different information and get $100. Genius.

It’s my new word, now that I learned that it’s actually a word. A funny one too.

this is exactly what i alluded to in my comment on this issue.

is living honestly the goal or the process?

I just took a minute to look at the link, and you are still giving Dodge a piece of what they want. You are giving them you e-mail, phone, and address. They will use some or all of those resources to continue to market the shit out of their products to you.

Is that info worth $50 to them… Probably not, but I bet that they knew something like this would happen, and realized the value of contact information.

So should we all just throw in the towel on doing the right thing? If you can’t beat em, join em, right?

If 2 wrongs do not make a right, then maybe 3 or 4 or 2,000,000 do?

And how many people are giving them their legit contact information?

how else would their check get delivered?