Do you think it's trashy to steal $50 from a floundering company?


but email and phone are probably 90% bogus.

whatever, whoever wants to take THEIR 50 bucks, go for it. I’m not going to do it and I’m going to feel good about NOT doing it.

You should do it and use it toward more CF for the car!!

yeah, I am not gonna do it either.

see we can agree on things!

Though its not about being trashy

for me its just immoral, not to mention illegal.

Well, perhaps we have different idea about being trashy… to me, people who are trashy do immoral things, and vice versa…

First of all, I doubt that Dodge will even go through on many of the fraudulent submissions. This type of shit happens all the time on the slickdeals, and fatwallet forums.

People find a price error, or a way to get a free gift card, and the company ends up canning it.

Second of all, I don’t feel bad about taking the money. I am in absolutely no position to even come close to buying a new dodge truck, or a new hyundai accent for that matter.

Why should I go down to Northtown and bullshit with a dealer?

Am I a broke ass welfare bum, no… Will that 50 dollars help me put gas in the tank of my car for a few weeks, yeah…

Its simple to have morals over a 50 dollar gift card when you don’t have a care in the world about money, and 50 dollars is nothing to you. It is a little tougher when you are struggling to get through a year with a job at a company that may or may not lay you off at the drop of a hat.

When I finish up school, and move west, will I be concerned about getting a 50 dollar gift card? Absolutely not, I see Newmans point of view…

However I will take the card right now, because Dodge was too stupid to put any kind of a secure system on the rebate cards. It is very similar to having 50 dollar bills sitting in a parking lot in a box with a sign that says “one per customer”…

Rumor has it they are going to send the list of recipients to the IRS.:gotme:

Very common. I get several 1098 forms in the mail for 50 dollar gift cards bank promotions, giveaways, and crap like that. Last year I filled out nearly 500 bucks in giveaway 1098 forms.

I beleive that the company needs your Social Security Number to issue a 1098 form…

So the IRS is not going to be involved in this giveaway…

Is anyone going to get in trouble with the law?

Absolutely not. Dodge has no idea who test drives cars, and they have no idea how to run a business either. They couldn’t prove who was test driving their car, versus who wasn’t.

Furthermore, I was reading on another forum that Dodge employees found out about the promotion, and their boss was telling them to go fill out forms on the internet to get a 50 dollar gift card for themselves.

I’ll bet corporate loves that, but they had the entire promotion outsourced to a rebate company who doesn’t know who you are, or that you may even work for Dodge.

I actually agree with Newman on this. Whether the company is in poor financial state or not, you are not fulfilling your part of the deal if you don’t test drive the poorly built gas guzzler.

stealing is stealing

sneaky sneaky

“you must be the change you wish to see in the world”

Is it trashy to have more kids for tax deductions?

are bikers trashy?

Are kids who wear flashy colored queer clothing, goofy shoes and messed up hair trashy? I guess its in the eye of the beholder.

acting trashy /= looking trasy

I love a broad who looks trashy but acts classy.

irrelevant to the topic. nice try.

A is A regardless of the beholder.

Now ya see, I love a broad who looks classy but acts trashy. :suckoff:


oh look, it’s a well-dressed good-looking female version of JEG’s avatar. Wonder who she’s married to?