Does anybody ever wrench on their cars around here?

not really

Not really, I usually pull mine out of the garage for more room when I work.

yeah I’d imagine changing your air lid requires a lot of work space. Surprised you did the install without the aid of power tools, car lift, flux capacitor, etc.

I’m not sure how an azn kid with a small penis and slow camaro can talk shit on a fist pumping jersey shore middle school cruising wanna be from east bumfuck ohio but god damn am I enjoying this

you like anything with bumfuck in it…

because that slow camaro beat your camaro.


Option to foot race fatty and the colorblind azn kid.

the last person that was skinnier than me that tried to footrace me got lengths put on them, true story, video and all

don’t forget you’re talking to the King of Montour Trail…bitch

Listen fat crack it was not 'lengths" get your story straight. Maybe an arms length. Besides I let you win because your car is slower than mine and it would crush your world if I beat you in a foot race too. Consider what I did as charity

Dumbass, that was the bottom of a 50’s vacuum cleaner I installed. You are completely clueless as to how much room it did take, God you truly are a dipshit. I didn’t use power tools but I did have to go to the local ODOT and get a jackhammer and plow truck.

ODOT? what is that, some hill jacks backyard? I’m guessing the plow truck and jackhammer were right next to his beer can collection and his “baby” a 1982 camaro painted all black with a number 3 on the door…how am I doing so far?

Nailed it… Must have been YOUR back yard. Nobody else could describe it so well without first hand knowledge.

nobody would keep coming back to a forum, which is based around a city, that not only you are not from, but you are not from the same state, and not to mention no one has seen you in any meet, and no one likes you. might i suggest making your own forum called “eastern ohio speed”, in which you can talk to yourself about how you like to go in a corner and cry and play hide and go fuck yourself

I like it here, I feel so warmly welcomed. Besides, I’ll stay if only to annoy the fuck out of you personally. The more you push for me to be gone, the more i’ll hang around. Besides, you know NOTHING about me or where i’m from. Just because i’m not living directly in Pittsburgh NOW, doesn’t mean I’ve never lived there, Dipshit.

Personally, I was hoping this site would have been closed down in the merger just to annoy fuckheads like yourself. This place would be so much more if it weren’t for fuckwads like you running off everyone new who joins. Lucky for you though, I’m just stupid enough to stick around and you are stupid enough to keep pushing my buttons to make me stay.

Ball is in your count now asswipe. Normally I would say this amount of childish cursing is lame, but I feel the need to dumb down what I type so your slackjawed mush brain can comprehend it.

Oh, and as for meets. If you call hanging out in a parking lot a meet, best of luck to your “group”. I tried to make the BRA but it was scheduled when I was on a business trip so eat me. If me missing your one official meet per year makes me lame, I lol @ you.

your sole purpose of coming onto pittspeed is to annoy me?

either you need a life

or a ham sammich

either way it’s pretty fucking pathetic.

52 people reccomend this. Yinz should tweeter this also :zzz:
camero faggots

I’m just trying to keep up with you precious!