Does anyone insure their modifications on their cars?

I understand how overpaying on claims would drive up prices you fucking twat. The fault lies on the adjuster who overestimated though, not on the person that was in the wreck. If someone came out and overestimated damage to one of your cars, you’re telling me that you would give the extra money back, like it’s your civic fucking duty to make sure that the insurance company that rips you off every month maintains profitability? :ugh2:

FSHOWCARS: God Bless Car Insurance Companies, and God Bless America! Do your civic duty and make sure your car insurance company isn’t slightly overpaying on a claim! If you don’t, you’re a commie loving socialist scumbag!

Did you just compare a woman using an infant as a weapon to what we’re talking about? Holy shit man you’re going off the deep end!