Insurance Question

Hey guys,

I had a quick question in regards to insurance.

For all of you guys that have done exterior mods (from bodykits to front end conversions) have you reported these mods to insurance, and if not how does it unfold?

I know reporting them to insurance will most probably result in higher premium.

But if not reported how does replacement work, will it still be reimbursed? Or will the insurance company disenvow any knowledge of coverage on the vehicle.

I can understand if you guys can’t help, but any knowledge would be most helpful…thanks in advance

If you don’t tell your insurance company about ANYTHING you do to your car.

If you get in an accident, they can deny you coverage either of the parts, or completely if they want to be pricks.

Not keeping your insurance company up to date with your vehicle is fraudulent, they don’t like that.

Plus insurance companies already have you bent over with their **** rammed so far up your ass, that they have NO problem going a bit deeper.

Insurance companies are not here to help you in any way, shape, or form. ALWAYS remember that.

If you notify your company about modifications … depending on the company. You can face anything from increased premiums, to complete cancellation of your policy if you do not remove the parts and have the car inspected after removal by your insurance companies underwriter.

Usually, modifications… if on your policy, will land you with Facility Insurance because you are labelled as High Risk.

However, if you are running liability only… I doubt any of this applies.

This is just a general rule, but if you don’t tell them, they don’t cover it. If you’re with ass clowns like State Farm (personal opinion LOL) they may even deny you any compensation at all, and charge you with making fraudulent claims.

So not only will your bumper not be replaced, nothing else will, and you might be footing the bill for the other guy too.

Then again, ass clowns like them might very well deny you coverage in the first place, just because you modified your car.

so you might be damned if you tell them, damned if you don’t.

Sorry, that probably doesn’t clear anything up at all.


I was like 2 seconds too slow!!

Insurance Company:




As you can see… Insurance Companies > You , and Government > You
Therefore when you have INSURANCE COMPANY + GOVERNMENT… you are inevitably… screwed, toast, pumped hard with no KY… however you want to put it.

there are a couple other variables that come into play.

if the accident is not your fault and you have a police report stating that fact then your insurance company will be far more lenient with you. this is because they arent paying you, the other company is.

also, if you have modifications to your car, get into an accident and DONT CLAIM your mods, just claim as if stock parts, then you also reduce your risk of getting fukked.

alot of it also has to do with the context you present yourself in.

there is also no real hard definition for a modification, it is debateble whether certain mods make your car go faster and on a 13+ year old car they cant expect everything to be OEM.

meaning that if you have aftermarket exhuast you dont tell them you have a “performance” exhaust, you simply claim your new exhuast that you got at the local muffler shop… here is my receipt!!!

your coilovers are simply new, premium suspension pieces… here is my receipt

your Falken Azenis are summer tires… receipt

your 17’s are the wheels that your dad had laying around for some time and your stock wheels have your winter tires on them… dont claim.

all that shiny stuff in the engine bay is OEM stuff that you had polished to make it look pretty… thanks

if you try to claim your mods on insurance you deserve to be fukked because you are a moron.

when modifying your car you need to know that the insurance company does want to fuck you in any way they can so go on the assumption that if you get in an accident that all your money invested will be a total loss… if you cant handle that then dont mod.

fortunately for many of us our cars are not “showy” and dont look like rice-mobiles, insurance companies are a few years behind the trends so if you maintain stock body work or stock looking body work then you might be okay.

as proof, andrew had an accident last year, was not at fault, had SR and more and the insco. tried to fukk him… then bing comes along and…

Tip. Call your insurance company as a new time buyer and have them quote you on a “modified” setup… just as you would if you were shopping around.

This way you’ll find out the premium and you won’t have to worry about them F-ing with your current policy. Call around, some places are more lenient with modifed cars. try PC insurance, if you’re over 25 the rates are unbeatable.

Wait, didn’t i still get fuct? They wrote my car off and slapped a salvage
title on it.

I still owe you dinner…

After being through 3 not-at-fault accidents and getting fuct 3 times, I
have 0 faith in insurance, and now carry the bare legal minimum.

To my understanding if you kill a pedestrian and your car is modded, the
insurance will not pay your claim because your car was modded and you
were obviously racing at the time, or some other BS.

Insurance is a scam, don’t mod your car. Drive a stock Corolla like
normal ppl and live your life.