Does anyone insure their modifications on their cars?


see above. My truck & my GTO are covered for an agreed value. If some asshole runs into either of them & it’s totalled, then I’ll get about twice what your house is worth. And I have a zero deductible. And I have the option to buy it back. Hagerty & other ‘Classic’ car insurance companies are pretty intelligent, though. They won’t cover white trash assholes’ daily drivers (like yourself). They only cover vehicles that are worth something, and that person has to prove that the insured vehicle is not daily driven (must have dd insured through someone else & must be an insured dd vehicle for each driver in the household).

think before you open your mouth next time

What are you gonna do about it, faggot?

hold on, I’ll give you another example just in case you havent gotten it yet.

Say a tree falls on your house, homeowners insurance says theres $15,000 in damage and gives you a check for that amount. you call out some roofers and they say they can fix it for $12,000… Are you going to call up your insurance company and tell them you want to give them back $3,000? Or perhaps you happen to be a roofer yourself and you can fix it yourself for $8,000. are you commiting insurance fraud if you can fix it for less then they think the damage is worth? I think not…

No, but I’m not gonna nickel & dime my insurance co. to get a bigger $$ amount & then half ass fix it.

The mere fact that any ins co gave you $3k for repairing a $12 car should raise a flag for insurance fraud, anyway.

I still stand by my statement that you are the type of asshole that raises everyone else’s rates.