Does anyone want a purebred Beagle?

Yeah because I’m being serious.
But that pisses me off.
Plus, I wouldn’t mind having 12 dogs and 84 cats.

I would’ve just let the dog go free rather then donate it to the SPCA,better chance of finding a home.

It was the one in Tonawanda. I really can’t believe how retarded they are.

thats fucking shitty

I was ready to pick it up if everything checked out. Thats pretty shitty.

:frowning: I would have taken it and found it a permanant home. It could have played with my two other dogs. And my cat. Assholes.

that’s horrible

Hmm the odd thing is…the SPCA doesn’t put animals to sleep. The county animal control does.

I’m calling BS.

hmmm, my gf got her rot from the tonowanda one…

i dont know about the bs, i would sure hope not

why the fuck does shit like this bother you but stories of ppl dying doesnt seem to phase you>

does this mean its not dead

nope, it just means you cant read :ham:

Well if it is true…thats very lame of them…but I thought dogs had more like 7 days to be adopted before they are put to sleep. :gotme:


because animals > people

ha. kidding. i don’t like when anything dies. exept minorities. they can all burn in hell.


Well isnt it good to know then that young white men are now the minority…see you in hell

well, i meant people who are different from me. they are all minorities and can all diaf.

So you are just trying to protect the emo nation? How many are you up to? Millions?

ethnic cleansing FTW