One of my managers was forced to move into an apartment that does not allow pets, and as such his 4 year old male Beagle is at the SPCA. He found out today that if someone doesn’t adopt it in 24 hours, they are going to put it to sleep.
If anyone wants a Beagle, or knows anyone who does please PM me like, NOW.
I’d like to save the dog if possible, try and ask around.
He is fixed, he is good with kids, and it’s a very long story as to why my manager ended up there, but belive me, it wasn’t really his choice, and no one feels worse than him right now.
So, despite the fact that they told Phil yesterday the dog had until this evening, and the fact that we notified them yesterday we had a home for the dog, they put him to sleep last night.
That’s right, they killed a dog they knew had a home.
I’d suggest anyone who can’t keep an animal find a no-kill organization, or just someone to take your pet directly, because the SPCA apparently doesn’t give a shit.