Does it end?

Found this on Goes a bit to long if I do say so myself.

0-60? HAHA actually, that was a pretty close race.

Thats retarded, wish a cow would have walked in front of them.

^^^^ BEEF … it’s what’s for dinner

good lord i can’t imagine staying in it that long in the t/a. omni would have geared out by then.

i hate time to pee and come back and it was still playing…

but somethings not right with that cobalt.

I bet that curve got a bit exciting at the end of the vid.

wow hahaha. is the best tech site

No top end for that Cobalt. My IS300 has pulled top end on Type-S’s with similar mods.

geez Acura shifted to 6th and kept going…prob 95 mph lolol

Jesus that took forever.

lmao i wonder how much gas they burned up…

probably not much. neither car looks like it is making much power
