
Not sure if this is a repost but:


just started my second month… go for the high end razor, the mid range one works great but doesnt have the lubricated strip at the top… im a big fan of that strip

Yeah I signed up…gotta wait till middle of may though as they are that busy I guess.

But the video is hilarious.

Awesome. I wasnt sure if it was even real at first til I clicked the link lol. I’ll stick to shaving my girlish face once or twice a week with my electric though haha.

:rofl Might sign up just to get a razor to edge with.

“Alejandro, what were you doing last week?”
“Not working”
“What are you doing now?”
“I’m no Vanderbiilt, but this train makes hay”

“Your handsome ass grandpa had one razor. And polio. Lookin good Papa!”

“I’m good at tennis.” whiff

:rofl :rofl


Err…my bad. I was half-asleep when I typed that :lol.