Don't die, Jaguar

i bet this guy drives an A4 or jetta, something that breaks, like a lot


settle down there chief.

I think jag has never made great decisions. There is not one car they offer that if I had the money, would buy, over a MB, BMW, or even a Lexus.

I would rather drive a Honda TSX, than a Jaguar X-Type any day.

But thats my opinion, and it doesn’t mean shit.

he drives a jag…

no really he does.

Didn’t they say a few years ago that the quality of American cars overall has surpassed European ones?

Why does it seem that a lot of the threads these days are becoming, domestic vs import?

Wasn’t one of the reasons why NYSpeed was formed was get away from this UBRF type shit?

And what poor decisions have they made?

um… a piece of garbage with leaf springs and pushrods?

yes the car puts down numbers, but that is all. I have spent a lot of time behind the wheel of tons of great cars. from what i have experienced, the american offerings are severely lacking. I drove an SRT-10 viper on a 150 mile trip and i must say that i would never buy one. it was loud in a really unpleasant way, way too much mysterious heat rising from random areas in the passenger compartment, the steering and suspension gave almost no feedback, and just gave a general feeling of a kit car. was it fast? yes. did it get me tons of attention? totally. could i live the rest of my life without driving one again? you bet!

now back to corvettes. every one i have driven has had tons of little squeaks and rattles. the older they are, the more gremlins they have. also, i would like to add that if i were to own one myself i would want it to have an automatic gearbox. Why? because the shifter linkages and clutches in the ones i have driven (a few C5s and C4s) are an abortion. long throws into the mysterious gates of the poorly placed shifter, and the most vague clutch engagement known to mankind make it a horrible task to drive. I can’t believe any company would place this into their flagship sportscar. A kenworth shouldn’t suck this much to shift.

My 45K jag has the same motor/chassis as that guy’s ford contour

jags are nice looking cars, something very cool about them, but they fucking suck. They brake down weekly pretty much and the only reason the x-type jag doesnt is because its not even a real jag, its a lincoln LS. It was sad when Ford of all companies improved upon jaguar reliability.

the x-type is actually riding on mondeo/contour underpinnings.
the s-type is on the LS platform.

i hear ya on the humor that ford is improving their reliability.

Why don’t the Brits make computers?
Because they haven’t figured out how to make them leak oil.

That’s Ford’s wonderful idea.

Actually, I was looking forward to a completely new version of the LS, but apparently Ford has decided against it.

And I remember when it came out it was a big seller. What are they thinking?

same motor?? hmm…a contour with a v-6? and i belive the x-type is based off a mondeo chassie which was only offered in europe… btw it is an awd car… which would seem pretty hard to turn a fwd chassie into a rwd/awd… of and yhea… what is wrong with an s-type riding on a ls bbody… is anything wrong with a Lincoln LS? there very nice cars!

BTW. Beck, didnt mean to offend ya… just bustin ur balls…btw i like ur car…alot.

and i like yours a lot too.

its mad pimp.

Kinda funny that leaf springs and pushrods romp on the appropriately priced Porsche competition.

And besides, there’s still the Japanese competition. Either way, that doesn’t negate the fact the NSX > * for it’s time.

I once again refer to my last post about how this board has been turning out.

By the way there is nothing wrong with Pushrods quit being a hater.

any group of car guys coming together to talk about cars will end up in a pissing match import vs. domestic.

ur right, theres nothing wrong with pushrods, but at some point they need to start using more modern technologies and develop something different. Problem that i see is that in america, things are under-engineered (not to mention made out of shitty materials). they never put any thought into developing anything new. it takes them years to get up to speed on things that over-seas companies are developing. Mainly because they have to reverse engineer every that comes from over-seas. The problem i see with euro cars are that they are over-engineered. Things that they do are very elaborate, and there is about 20,000 more things that can go wrong. I feel that japanese auto companies are right smack in the middle of the two. Theres not too many bells and whistles in their cars, but enough to make ppl go import over domestic. For those of you who thrive on the ultimate in options and adjustablity and “luxury”, there are european cars. They tend to have way too many moving parts and when u do that, things are bound to break. thats the way i see it.

Nothing wrong with pushrods. I really do like the new Corvettes. I’m not a huge fan of their styling–I think the Saturn Sky is a much classier car–but eh, the C5 and C6 are a very nice package.

Hey, maybe they can rebrand one as a Saturn and make it look less “mid-life crisis” esque. :wink:

And at least in this thread the forum is talking about cars and not the people that drive them! :headbang:

why would they develop something different when pushrod motors are kicking ass? Its simple and it works well.

And again the main reason the big 3 are dying in north america is because of all the added cost tacked onto every car because of union workers and pention plans.


Well, for the most part.

I understand that that will happen but doesn’t it seem that its happenning more and more often these days. That guys post was shit. It does nothing but make people upset who own domestic’s, if a person posted that hondas are nothing but torqless shoeboxs I would be upset as well. We don’t need that bullshit here.