Dont drive on the ice V. Irondequait Bay....

on the rochester news tonight

link ?

OMG car got wrecked, saw it on a news prievew, they were pulling it out and the whole rear ripped off… blazer is FUCKKKED

smashed windows and the roof was tearing off… LOL

woops … whoda thunk you cant drag a vehical through the ice by the roof pillars

Whats it say on his thread? someone post post!

And from the site…

SUV stuck in Irondequoit Bay
Reported by: Matt Molloy
02/06/2007 09:34pm
Tow crews spent most of Tuesday afternoon trying to pull an SUV out of the Irondequoit Bay.

The 20 year old driver, Travis Newberry, told police he saw the tracks leading to the bay and thought it would be ‘neat’ to drive on it.

He and two passengers made it out safely when the SUV began to sink.

The SUV is about a half mile from the shore making it tough for tow crews to pull it in. Late Tuesday night they were making slow progress, breaking ice and pulling the vehicle foot by foot.

The investigation into the incident has been handed over to the Department of Environmental Conservation.

The kid hasn’t posted since this morning when he was heading over to try getting it out. My guess is insurance is completely off the table now, considering he admitted to police he was joyriding on the lake.

Someone needs to dvr the Rochester news and post the video of the truck being ripped apart trying to tow it out.

lol… geico… LOL

We need a really good PWNED graphic right about now.

No new video that I’ve been able to find. :frowning:

He was on Brother Wease this morning… they had the stuntriders link… lol

Before they started trying to get it out:

After they started trying to get it out:

:lol: Still stuck, minus pretty much everything higher than the dash, and now pretty much completely encased in ice.

sooo fooked

I have to venture up north of the city later this week. I’ll be sure to grab photos of this stupidity if I end up going up there.

Oh man. :rofl:

I’m pretty good at coming up with ways to get hopelessly stuck vehicles free, from past experience doing stupid shit, but this one I have no idea for.

I mean, it’s a LOOOONG ways from shore. Then you have the fact that it’s so cold out that even as you start cutting up ice to free it the damn thing freezes again. A gallon of water is 8.33 lbs, and ice that takes up the same space as a gallon of water is about 7.5 lbs. If you cut out a rectangle around the truck, you’re talking about probably close to 1000 gallons between the water and ice in the truck, and ice around the truck. 8000 lbs easy, plus the 4000lb or so truck (minus whatever the roof weighed).

Found some great video of the attempt to get it out yesterday.

So apparently it’s now flipped over as well. Oh, and I posted the link to the vid over on their site and threw in a free plug for :slight_smile:

hahahah that ppoor blazer… o well

:jawdrop: Talk about the fuckup to end all fuckups.

I just joined so I could follow it too. They think he should set up a paypal account and call the radio stations so people can donate money. Seriously if he gets one fucking dollar when there are people sick and dying in need of the money I will lose so much faith in humanity… theres another quicker movie from the same site…

why the HELL would you try and pull it from the roof…it has a frame, use it