Don't get yourself frigged over like this guy, bRyan.

Well, that’s one way to turn a thread around… add some rape.

Looking at the price paid for the work received, rape was already in this thread.

holy fuck for real? I wouldnt be suprised… that place was sketchy to say the least. lol

Jesus, eman knows how to fuck up the mood in a thread.

The son of the original owner is the rapist ! Complete scumbag , he hit on my wife a few times in front of me when we out ridin sleds . He called the cops on me and had me barred from there cause I blasted a beer bottle off his head when I saw him hit on her for the third time in one night .


pics or it didnt happen.

…of the rape?

No joke. she was a complete dirtball though so now i could careless.

but apparently this dude has done some shady shit with the girls working there in the past.

/\ yeah I wouldnt doubt it. The Ivey girl we knew there was like 17 at the time too, nowhere near the age to work as a bar tender and not legal either!

I drank a beer once.