Don't speed in Virginia! :eek:

Hah, Virginia is wayyyyyyyy lame.

yea i set the cruise@90 while passing through the VAG:carnut

wont NEmore tho

He says the new law will help reduce the nearly 1,000 traffic deaths the state records annually.

guess they didn’t get the memo higher speedlimits on highways save lives. scratch that take all their money so they have to sell their car.

lol at the child safety laws

Child safety. Florida will punish adults by up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine for leaving young children unsupervised in a car for more than 15 minutes. Tennessee will require that kids wear helmets when riding off-road vehicles until they’re 18 and bar them from buying fireworks until they’re 16. California will ban junk food in schools.*

i mean fireworks and helmets not to mention junkfood… GREAT LAWS… :roll:

btw, 20 over and above is AUTOMATIC reckless driving in VA…

It’s not an entirely bad idea, just a little excessive in the pricing. I think it should only apply to 15 or 20 and more above the limit. That should prevent the ‘accidental’ speeder getting in trouble. In NY I wouldn’t favor it, but VA does have as costly a tax structure as NY. The way I see it, rather than taxing all like NY they are just taxing the stupid people instead. I don’t agree with reg/insp checks, tint checks, front plate tickets, and stupid crap like that.

However, I dislike speeding more and more everyday. Either I’m getting older or the drivers are getting worse…lol. I don’t have a problem with people who do a little pull with their bike or car on an offramp or something for a short period. People who drive 75 or faster all the time are just a hazard and they deserve it. Especially when they follow too close, change lanes without signaling, and weave. Brockway hates weaving.

I passed a trooper in Virgina goin 140mph and kept the hammer down. He was gettin sick of me so he pulled over my girlfriend for 80 in a 65 :lol:

damn… driving thru Va. this past weekend, I couldn’t believe how many cars we seen pulled over. Honestly, saw atleast one every 5 miles thru the entire state.

they don’t fuck around