Fml v. Virginia misdemeanor

So today I just found out that a ticket I recieved in Virginia back in 05 was a misdemeanor. It was for doing 83 on the interstate 75. I don’t know about everyone else but I think that’s a little harsh. What I need to know is can I have this looked into and maybe get it reduced so I no longer have a misdemeanor on my record. I’m in school for criminal justice. I want to become a Leo but this defiantly will not help. Anyone else have something like this happen?

8 mph over the speed limit and it’s a misdemeanor? Lmao that sucks.

I’d definitely look into it, that seems ridiculous.

No. He was on I-75. I’m sure the speed limit was 65 or something.

Nah, Interstate 75 if I’m reading that correctly. 18 over and a misdemeanor?How in the hell does that happen?

Most interstates I’ve driven on have been 75mph, it was like that all the way when I drove from San Diego to Buffalo

Did you pay it in 05 or no?

lol i could definetly see it becoming a misdemeanor if its not paid up

Virgina BLOWS I think Durka did some HARD time for a speeding ticket. 4 serious

anything over 80mph is a jail-able offense in VA.

anything 20mph over posted speed limit is automatically reckless driving.

The speed limit at the time was 55. I was also looking and it does not matter if the speed limit is 70 anything over 80 and it’s automatic reckless driving which is a misdomenor. Also right on the ticket it says misdomenor and the one for radar is infraction. I think I’m going to either talk to a lawyer on my way to Florida at the end of the month or maybe just call one.

so you were going 28mph over the posted speed limit? I’m surprised you didn’t spend 5 days in jail. If you were in fairfax county you would have without question.

it was in carrol county. He said that if i was going 2 more mph i could be in jail. i didnt believe him at the time but this is a little crazy i think. it was 3 in the morning no one was out on the road and i was not driving crazy at all. i am not dening the validity of the ticket at all here im just clearly stating that i do not feel that 83mph on the thruway is midemeanor meterial. i am now classified at a criminal for driving on the thruway like most other people do.

Yea don’t speed in VA :lol:

Law is the law and chances are 5 years old you’re not getting any of that changed.

Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law.
But yeah, VA is the worst place to speed on the East Coast. Between the undercovers in busted ass Jeep Cherokees, the radar detector law, and the fact that the 70mph interstate on both sides turns into 55 when you enter are pretty good signs. Not a whole lot you can do.

I-90, I-290, I-190 are 75mph? weird

Virginia is the WORST. GL with that.

Fyi, it’s not a criminal misdemeanor. It’s a “traffic” misdemeanor and drops off your record in 36 or 48 months.

What county was it in?

he said carrol county.

I highly doubt a traffic ticket not involving hit and run, dui/dwi, accident etc etc is going to injur your LEO chances

Ah, must have missed that. From my understanding the further you get from DC the better off you are in terms of not having to serve jail time/massive fines.

I would DEFINITELY lawyer up though.

But it was 5 years ago… did you not pay it or go to court if you had to?

Otherwise the case is closed. I mean a court is most likely not going to drum up a 5 year old ticket.

But if you just didn’t pay it or something of that nature then yes, lawyer up