downed rider today

He was stunting lol was doing about 60 or so on 1wheel

damn… that really sucks… both what happened to him and to you John. I’m becoming less sympathetic to these kind of people

Read the thread lance , u will see .

I read it all. Sucks all around

I meant less sympathetic to him

I’m watching that like; why the FUCK is there a park bench and a telephone booth on a god damn race track? Oh…its a commercial. :rofl

He has a severed spinal cord at the waist , he was flying up in the town of moreu .

Seems like a Hell of a price to pay for being an Ass.
Kind of wish these dumbass stunters would just total out their bikes, and Fuck themselves up just enough to remember it…

Squiding around on the streets is asking for trouble. I have done it, most all riders have done it. The thing is if I crashed doing a 60mph wheelie on a street and got hurt, the first thing out of my mouth would be “well fuck me… that was dumb” and I wouldn’t be asking for condolences for my actions.

We all wheelie around, hell my KTM was on 1 wheel everywhere… but the balance point was so easy to hold and ride, in 3rd gear 1/8th to 1/4 throttle… 30-40mph. It was geared down and so easy to do them. I have pics of me all over doing them too. Does it make me a hypocrite? Sure on the cover it does. But when you UNDERSTAND whats going on , I dont believe it does. I dont do it down highways with tons of traffic, on the north way or thruway, and like I said it never went past 40mph. The dumbest one I did was in Gloversville on Rt30a mid day headed to get icecream. pics on my FB. Was I proud of it? yeah at the time, am I now… nope… it was dumb. all it took was one car through an intersection to put me on a heli. While I did it as safe as I could to get the pic, it was still dumb.

There are riders that are calculated and assume the risk, then there are riders that dont. Simple as that. The ones you see doing power wheelies 3 feet under the balance point clutching it up at 50+ and not being comfortable enough to hit the balance point and control it, dropping the tire back down at 100+ top of that gear are NOT good riders, and are asking to end up like that kid.

Found this:

MOREAU — A 23-year-old Clifton Park man was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident on Monday afternoon.
Joshua S. Vale, of Kinns Road, was traveling southbound on West River Road when he lost control of his 2006 Kawasaki motorcycle and struck the guardrail around 4:30 p.m., according to the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office.
Vale appeared to suffer a back injury and was taken by helicopter to Albany Medical Center Hospital. The Sheriff’s Office said the cause of the accident was “excessive speed,” and Vale will be cited for speeding.
The Sheriff’s Office was assisted by New York State Police, Moreau EMS and the South Glens Falls Fire Department.


i wouldn’t wish injury on anyone, but karma is a bitch. motorcycle thieves are all scum

the cause of the accident was “excessive speed,” and Vale will be cited for speeding

oh yeah, because that’ll teach him a lesson! cops…sometimes… srlsly?

Just cause you hurt yourself breaking the law doesn’t mean you aren’t liable for breaking it.

I had tickets delivered to me at my house by cops the next day after the hospital.

I just realized that the kid was on a Zx-10R

citations are meant to deter future law breaking. i think this guy has already learned his lesson and won’t/can’t speed again.

I have friends that know this guy. Definitely sucks what happened but it dosnt make what he did to John any better.


Citations are punishment for your past law breaking. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth it. Towns sure as hell don’t mind the money from you.

Plus I know paralyzed riders on sport bikes who still ride on modified sport bikes, (at least one got hurt in a moto crash) should they be law exempt?

I fail to see how you’re saying that him getting a ticket is unjust/over the top.

Well, time for lvl 2 protector for the street…

where’s the link to the original thread about what he did to manbear? the only one i see it to facebook

There are different theories of punishment. The main two are:
(1) Punishment-as-revenge (eye for an eye) for acting wrongly, and as a means of fairness as viewed by society (example: if a rapist was released without jail time we would all think that it’s pretty unfair that this victim was raped but this d-bag gets off without any suffering)
(2) Detering future law breaking

You seem to fall into (1). Maybe you think that this guy broke the law therefore he should have to pay for neglecting the safety of himself and others on the road. And that’s fine.

I see it differently. I think this guy has probably learnt from this, and we have all learnt from this, and giving him a ticket doesn’t add anything to the pot.

What info if any you have that he has learned from this? That he feels like shit now?

You’re saying he will never speed again for the rest of his life? Sure it may not be excessive and specialized vans don’t do 150 unless you’re hot wheels, but he could still be driving over the limit on the highway.

It’s like saying “he’s been to jail once, he’ll never break the law again”.

He speeds, crashes due to speed, he gets a ticket seems like a rather straight forward solution.

What if he didn’t become paralyzed but just crashed? Should he get a ticket then? Did he learn then? What if he crashed and didn’t get hurt at all, not a scuff? Deserves a ticket or not?

I don’t know for sure if he’s learned anything (even if you gave him a ticket there’s no way knowing that he’s learned). But I believe more-likely-than-not that breaking your back will deter you from acting like that again.

I think you’re getting away from the point. My point is that eventually there comes a time when a ticket loses its purpose. Usually in situations where “the damage has already been done,” like in the case of getting badly hurt. Obviously if a person isn’t hurt at all then they should be given a ticket, because that person hasn’t been burdened with a “reality check” which would make them re-think their behavior.

Hypothetical question: Lets say you are riding two-up with your wife and you are speeding, and you crash and she dies but you live. You now have to live the rest of your life knowing that you killed the person you loved. Would you slow down in the future? If so, would getting a $200 ticket make you slow down even more, or about the same?