I will tell you it sucks getting released from the hospital a week later after recovering from your accident, and getting fisted 4 points and 500$ in fines after you hobble your ass off the couch with a broken arm, leg and ribs to answer a knock on the door.
Did I learn my lesson based on the tickets, nope. I paid them and moved on… (even though I was doing the speed limit ((witnessed by someone following me) when i went down, the detectives though differently and gave me imprudent speed and failure to stay right). I still speed, still ride how I ride and will continue to do so as I have in the past; carefully, protected with gear, not recklessly yet still enjoying myself as respectable as i can.
I agree with you both sorta. Tickets are handed out for a reason, to make revenue first, keep the roads safe second. When the later already fucks that reason, all you are left with is the revenue.
Look, can we please all stop the shit talking. This guy is now paralyzed for life. He’s never going to walk again. And while i do not know him personally i ride with a lot of stand up, respectful guys who do, and have had nothing bad to say about him. I don’t think anybody needs to stir the pot at this point, it’s a sad situation that i would not wish onto anybody and for the first time on this forum i feel as though our community is going the wrong direction with this while there is a lot of people greiving right now
If this kid ends up paralyzed from the waist down he can still sustain a good quality of life. Yes, his life will be forever changed but it doesn’t have to stop because he can’t walk or ride a motorcycle again.
Nothing against the guy or his friends… my point is and always has been since I could drive or ride, you assume any and all risks behind the wheel or handlebars and the consequences, especially when you were the one who caused them.\
dont get me wrong, I feel bad for the kid, and bad for the people’s lives that are altered by his poor judgment… but I dont feel bad for the poor choice of judgment. If you get what i am saying.
EDIT. My respect for someone is also VERY tarnished right off the bat if they have a history of poor decision making and disregard for themselves and others… aka stealing, bringing innocent people into that, beating up people, women especially, and what ever else went down. We all have skeletons in the closet, but I can safely say I have not done any of those! lol
This sucks for a lot of reasons. I wouldn’t wish this sort of injury on anyone. It also reflects badly on every rider out there as has already been shown in this thread.
As for what he did to you John, that’s fucked up stuff and I completely understand why you feel the way you do.
I don’t really see this thread going anywhere positive.
I honesty didn’t want it to turn into a smear thread I just wanted to know if anyone heard and I got carried away with it . But I do feel bad for his family and his g.f Angela . I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but he got what he deserved for all the shit he did to others and didn’t get any recourse . He walked on the bike situation cause he narked out many people for shit .
Most all of you guys are fucking assholes. Hes a close friend of mind and nobody deserves this for anything they have done. And he did not beat his girlfriend, that was all a scam… Long story short, the kid went down on his bike trying to keep up with another asshole rider, and may never walk again…