downed rider today

Who are you

i don’t know the person that went down or his behavior but realistically no one should be making light of such a life changing event…we all ride and need to be safe out there. i hope he can recover some of what he has lost and maintain a quality of life.

The ex looks like she was probably a very nice girl and would probably put up with a lot of bull shit. I hope this incident doesn’t make her run back to a wife beater.

pjb u can suck my dick as usual…ull never be anything

i just found out today i bought a bike from this kid and his buddy a few weeks ago…didnt seem like a bad kid…dunno how he rides but he text me today and is paralyzed…nobody deserves that no matter how u drive…thats like saying the guys on here who do roll races deserve to doe if they crash…we all fuck around

I agree.

I use to be friends with him a few years ago. I feel real bad.

pjb cant u see all the negative dumb shit u say has bad karma on u?

ur a loser
a complete tool
u got nothing in life but ur momma…
all gods gifts to u

u dont see the trend here…i let all shit go in the last thread and u had to go and start u shit again…no problem buddy

my point proven

:facepalm @ this thread. Some of you people, being adults, are just out of your damn minds. I can see where John is coming from (although I don’t condone such resentment hate, I can understand it), but the rest of you? Wow.

That being said…this thread makes me reconsider even getting a freakin moped/scooter/whatever the hell those things are called. You could get hurt like this from someone not checking before they pull out or something.

For all of you who ride…stay safe. I have friends who ride as well, and most of the time, when they get hurts…it’s because of them doing something…so also be smart.

hows the new job pjb

I dont have a new job. Ive been at this one 7 years so no clue what youre talking about.

no lame ass threat? Youre slipping.