What is with Downtown Pittsburgh being dead after 12am ?
The last 3 weeks 5 nights a week have being doing “live loads” Wait 60+ minutes for a customer too load a dumpster on a super popular street near market square.
Nothing is open, dunkin donuts, 7-11, starbucks Etc…
Pens fans trickle down and ask me where to get a simple coffee. Mcdonalds isn’t even open :wtf:
Not talking about 5 people, literally 40+ lost souls wondering downtown looking for a simple drink or eatery.
Suggestions ? I’m on foot looking for a place to eat myself (my lunch time ) or breakfast/hangover remedy to such others after hockey game . Nothing is open. These folks question the first person they see not from the HILL, Strolling down the hill
I won’t include the bums, NO YOU FUCKHEAD CAN’T HAVE THE METAL and give you a dollar for food while I do paper work…
Pittsburgh SUCKS on foot