Drag racing crash on Transit last night

is that suppose to be directed towards me? you dont even kno me and ur judging my car and life…you must be a real winner

not unless you want to live in complete denial

dude, we already have newman

you’re like the dollar general version. quiet down

im not quite sure what you are tryin to prove here besides being a complete retard. but oh well have fun. im not gonna sit here and argu with someone its a waste of my time.

^^^^This thread is sad and tragic. Take you bickering somewhere else.

you guys are all talking about how racing is bad blah blah, the guy got a car, 3 days later wrecked it at over 100mph or so…was his GF pushing the pedal down? was the neon driver sitting in the pass seat doing it?

i dont think so

put some of the blame on him…he did it to himself and his GF

So tragic man.

I feel worst for the girlfriend.

If you think about it, we all have done douchebag things in cars.

Those mach1 mustangs run pretty good, the only way I can see him losing control like that is burning up the tires, then they grabbed, and it threw the back end out of the car.

Or he missed a shift, or put it in a lower gear a high rate of speed, and that spun the back end out of the car.

To see a car ripped in half like that is crazy.

What the fuck is wrong with you, 1st off nobody deserves to learn a lesson this way. 2nd of all what the fuck did the passenger (girlfrined) do do deserve to die?

so he bought a 5 speed rwd car that was pretty quick when he was only used to driving an auto suv?

not trying to be a dick, but you really cant do that. baby steps. im sure he was a good dude.


wow holy shit i just seen this guy, he just bought that car from us over at basil last week!! we have his blazer sitting in the back lot… poor guy r.i.p

Rip Mark and Melony! They were both very funny down to earth people and will be greatly missed, Brian please send my condolences!

Fuck this is 4 kids in 5months!!!

For real. I know you like to go for the chock factor…but Mark and Mel were really cool people. Show some respect.

Its official they got the neons driver.


lotsa deaths on transit huh…

Its a really sad story. Worst part is it took what seem to be 2 really good kids.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Wrong time, wrong place… the circumstances made this a big one.

It was nothing more then a mistake… I hope their families are able to deal and go on.

↑ Yup, lost my good friend Salerno a few years back, same shit. I still am mad at him for that shit. Talk about a kill story huh. Im not making fun of the situation because I have been through it, just saying this is why I dont street race and I dont condone it either.

holy shit that girl was in my math class. She graduated a year before me. R.I.P. girl



Salerno was a great guy. I remember that. sad as well.