Drag racing crash on Transit last night

WKBW says police tracked down the 2nd driver and have been talking to him. Nothing else mentioned about it.

Good guy, but what happened surprised noone. Unfortunately noone is invincible… RIP

I still can’t believe this. :frowning:

The way I peiced it together (with lack of actual locationlayout) but, from peoples descriptions…I’d say that the kid was either winning or losing to the Neon enough where the Neon was out of the way, then the kid missed a gear and sent the ass end out and spun him right around, while picking up speed sliding around (I’ve experienced this twice, once at 100+ and once only going 40mph)
He kinda pulled his own card on that one. We’re all gonna go sooner or later. Poor kid went early. :frowning:

I got a call from some law enforcement friends looking for leads. Apparently that kid was his god son.

He had just learned to drive stick and wasn’t an experienced driver yet.

I’m glad no one else was hurt.


Back to salerno…good guy talked to him just days b4…kid he was with lived across the street from me…i was just at the bar and a very good friend of mine new both of them… i felt so bad from her, i guess the couple had been dating for years…as far as i know the kid owned the car for like 2 days, and it had a short throw on it…id have to say it was a 3rd to 4th shift gone wrong into 2nd…rear locked up and holy fuck…im sorry all u guys who knew them its terrible, i hate hearing shit like this…RIP

my jaw literally just dropped looking at the car…thats fuckin terrible!

inexperience is usually one of the main factors for accidents like these with street racing…it sucks that the guy wont even be able to enjoy his new ride :frowning: seeing shit like this will honestly keep me from racing on the street anymore…ill be keeping it at the track from now on…

still cant get the picture of the car outta my head…terrible!

^^ yah man…

i personally know the driver of the srt and the way he described it to me is he was pulling on the stang and just keep going and when he looked back he didnt see anything and just thought the car turned somewere. and like twizted said my friend was at my house when him and kory stopped over and right after the kid went to the police station.

I talked to him earlier around 6ish and he said he just left the police and he gave a statement about what happened and he was let go.

Sorry to you guys who knew him better i only met him once or twice and he seemed like an alright guys sucks that it happened.


Sorry to hear…RIP

But its stories like this that make me glad that my husband and myself and many of our friends have grown up. EVERYBODY has to much to lose to take chances like that.

A large majority of us on here are parents or are becoming parents and everytime I look at my kids I am greatful for EVERYTHING I have and I wouldn’t do anything to jepordize my life,my kids, or a strangers.

Drive safe…keep the racing on the tracks!

Again…very sad RIP

It’s so true. I can’t speak in regards to children, but I am fortunate that I have grown up and realize how stupid racing on the streets is. I look back at what I did and will fully admit that it was stupid, pointless and reckless.

And to think, an hours leisurely cruise and a few dollars, and you can push your car at a track as hard as you want in a MUCH safer environment.

Sad, and the saddest part is that it won’t be the last.

I used to get down with street racing [like when i pwned skunk], till an accident occured with a one time friend a couple years ago on the 33. We weren’t even street racing, maybe spirited driving at the most… her car flipped at least once and her car skidded across all the lanes of the thruway to crash headfirst into a cement wall. Running up to see her having a seizure was the worst moment in my life, I knew she was dead. Somehow she managed to live with only bumps and bruises, but her vehicle and our friendship was destroyed. Anyways, ever since then I decided any racing has to be kept to the track.

I was lucky, the people in this thread weren’t. It’s a real damn shame, and hopefully people here will learn that they need to stop the craziness.

They won’t though. There will still be street races, and hell, people will still be posting “kill stories” about encounters on the road this summer, likely even sometime this week I bet.

Transit road has yet again claimed another life I have been in contact with during my life. For those of you who feel the need to drive like idiots, read this from a responding EMT:

As I said I was the first medical person on the scene pulling up to this on my way to work. I got there just as the first police car was pulling up. What is ironic is normally on my way to work I do not go that route. I just happened to have stopped to pick up lunch down the road before heading in.

As I read some of these post, all I can say it is easy to sit behind a computer screen and call someone a piece of trash and other derogitory names. But you were not the one on the scene that had to feel, see, and declare one dead at scene and then hear the other guy you kept alive die hours later. As an emergency responder this is the type of situation that can sometimes stick with you for a long time. Yes both cars were stupid. It was a senseless thing to do. This wreck could have been much worse as there could have been a head on collision, could have taken out a family with kids, etc. I as an emergency responder am greatful not more then one car was involved.

Being the first one on the scene I was asked to go assess the girl as the officer could not feel a pulse and could not see any breathing. As I reached under her head to feel for a pulse in which I could not see the face from the way she was slumped over on the side walk and all I felt was mush. I knew it was bad and when I rolled her back on the side walk, I saw what felt and what I feared most.

The people that need the support and remorse are the families. his mother is battling cancer, his younger brother was graduating college this weekend and on top of it, it is mother’s day. I do feel bad for the parents especially since the father tried to deter him from buying this mustang. He didn’t want him to get it. So to not feel bad for the families shows no heart and no character.


I feel worst for the Neon driver. He didn’t do anything to cause this crash. This kid, being a good human being or not, decided to race the Neon after having this Mustang for 2 days and driving a manual transmission for those two days.

But the Neon driver will most likely be crucified by the police, the family, and the friends. He potentially has a lifetime of legal and civil cases against him. Its a shame to have another life ruined by this.

I’m sure Mark and Mel were wonderful people, but it was a horrible mistake and they paid for it. It is a tragedy. Mistakes like this happen to every one of us almost every day, but it hardly ever has this outcome.

RIP to both. Be careful out there.

It is easy to rationalize this by saying he just got the car and did not really now how to drive a standard. I don’t care how experienced you are if something goes wrong you could end up like this. What if you blow a tire at 90 mph? What if your tie rod end lets go? what if your diff grenades and locks up? What if a child runs out into the street or a car pulls out in front of you? Even professional drivers crash and they has a lot more experience than everyone on here plus they have a professional crew working on a purpose built race car.
So please don’t try and lay the blame on driver inexperience. This unfortunate accident was caused by street racing.

My condolences to the friends and families of the victims.

sure shit like that could happen.I think its safe to say this one was caused by inexpierence more then likely.

You missed my point. This accident was caused by street racing. If they were not street racing they would still be with us today.
By blaming it on inexperience it adds to the rational that “It won’t happen to me. I know how to drive.” The fact is that this accident could have happened to anyone who street races.