Drag racing crash on Transit last night

Not to be a jerk but I think that an 03 Mach1 is a big step up in power and handling characteristic then a Blazer esp. being his first 5spd car. Most people who get a taste of that power right off the bat get excited about it so while he may have not been into racing before the mustang…something about a rumbling v8 and a manual trans gets the best of alot of us. And obviously the SRT owner didnt make him choose yes to racing for what may have well been his first time. Your friend made an unfortunate decision.

It takes a while to get used to the power and what happens if the rear end steps out on you.

Hopefully the SRT owner is just shaken up at the accident and witnessing something like that and wasnt involved in some sort of accident. That would just add to another ruined life and a family that would have to deal with this terrible situation.

terrible news…my prayers to family and friends.

Didnt know them but sure they were great people. And this kind of shit happens sometimes. The shittalking isnt necessary. People make mistakes. Accidents happen. We have all done stupid shit and had close calls but been lucky enough to not have anything like this happen.


They left my friend Rachel and john house right before 10:30. They live right near Zorbas. Mel dies on impact. They hit a telephone pole in front of Andersons. Mark died @ 6:57am. Is head was selling way to bad so they drilled a hole in his skull but the blood clot could not be stopped from bleeding in his brain.

This couple were great friends of mine. This has been very roung for me and Krazy K(kory) all day. Me and him were sitting there looking @ the scene saying it just is not right how it happened. Something seemed fishy. We made some phone calls to some srt-4 owners and found one to be a lil fishy. So we went to where the kid was @ around 3:15pm today and he was shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds. Kid had a huuuuge guilty look on his face. Now why would this kid leave the scene? Well after some talking to the kid he admitted racing him. Wouldent say anything else though. Kid drives a Blue neon SRT-4. I caled the cops asap and they were there within 5-min.

Cops were taking him to his house to look @ his car…we were all wondering why it was not with him @ his buddies house:snky:

Mark is not a person who is into racing really. Hes a very cautions person thats why i find it hard to believe this happened.Im thinking the kid somehow hit him when they were racing. Shit we couldent even get mark to do a small burnout in the rental car when i was in St.Marten with him back in Feb. Shitty thing is he just traded his Chevy blazer in for this 03 Mach 1 i believe tue or wed. His first stick car.

I hope this clears up some confusion.

R.I.P Mark and Mel you will be missed buddy ill never forget the great time i had with you two!

wow…after hearing about the srt-4 guy its even more sickening…literally makes my stomach turn just reading that…if his guilty conscience doesnt eat him alive then my guess is he’ll have time to come to grips on reality when hes sitting in prison for a while…

my thoughts n prayers are with those that were close to the departed…im sorry guys…

it is sad to say that I am tied into this story as well. My parents grew up with his parents and are still friends. My mom and dad are shocked right now since this strikes so close to home with them :frowning:

Very unfortunate and sorry to hear about this.

My condolences to their families and friends.

my buddy has a black srt-4 and acts like an asshole in that area, and his girl just broke up with him, and hes not answering his phone DUN DUN DUN

Edit: dont worry if i find out it had anything to do with him ill turn his ass in i hate stupid people and stupid people that cause deadly accidents and run should be put in front of the firing squad

^^ I’m pretty sure Brian already found who it was.

Not your friend…

Edit - Good job Brian!

I hate to see this stuff happening over and over.


Went to school with Mel also. R.I.P.

Well its shitty that they lost their life in a race… it would just be extremely tragic to die losing to a neon

<---- :clap: I AM A DICK!

edit byILC: Thanks kingsario.

Like I’ve said before its shitty that he died from something like this. Its also a shame that he probably didn’t understand the risk involved in racing which ultimately cost his life. Its very difficult for me to have sympathy for things like this when someone is engaging in a dangerous act.

In a sense its like playing russian roulette but with a large magazine the one trigger pull is gonna get you eventually

:frowning: RIP. This sucks. I just talked to them the other day too. WTF

Ok still very sad though, even if you wanna cover your ass leaving the scene is not the way to go even if he would of called the cops and said he saw an accident he would of been fine but leaving and trying to hide your car is not the way to go this kid fucked himself. How can a human being see something like that and only think about themselves and leave, he didnt even call the cops he deserves whatever he gets.

damn. very sad to hear.

RIP :frowning:

OMG! that was him!? poor kid

I’m truly sorry for your lost Brian

grow the hell up dude. i dont think u realized what just happen, and are making a big joke out of it. - dick

sorry to hear that this even happened. Just sad…


I guess I would have to own a shitty car and have a crappy life to realize what happened.

Maybe I just understand risk and don’t have sympathy for someone that Races and gets caught in a mistake