Drag racing crash on Transit last night

It is a mustang mach 1. My buddy was good friends with his brother, he got the car two days prior to this crash. He also told me he was racing a black neon.

EDIT: Didn’t realize everything was said on the last few pages. Disregard

What I’m saying is putting up a poll on a car site where maybe .5% of the members are qualified to answer the legal question is fine for a speeding ticket, but probably not a good idea with something as serious as this. You’re right, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and unfortunately when a site full of people who aren’t attorneys start giving their legal opinions you get a lot of bad advice.

I have my own opinions as to the legal liability faced by the neon driver, but because I don’t know I haven’t given that opinion. After seeing several members who I know have no clue how the law works start offering real legal advice, coupled with the suspicion that the neon driver might very well be reading the thread, I suggested appropriately that they seek professional legal counsel.

You guys keep arguing like idiots… it’ll get closed.

Wait, this is offtopic. Carry-on.

Wow, srsly? Did you miss the accident I had like 2 weeks ago?!?
I’m pretty sure I’m done being dumb for a while.

if there is anyone closer to Mel than I, will they please pm me any information they have regarding funeral/wake. She was in my highschool class, and I would like to know. Thanks

sorry to hear about this tragedy, RIP

Mark was on one of my softball teams. Him and Melanie were Obsessed with my car. They were two of the nicest kids I’ve ever met. Anybody else that has anything shitty to say about them…PM ME

any pictures of them? I’m curious to know if I knew em…


Ugh. It hurts to see posts like this showing how nice they were. It’s always unfortunate these things happen to such good people. Not saying that theres people who deserve it, but it always seems to be THE nicest, most caring people. I guess god needed them more than we did :frowning:

i wouls also like to see or even link to the myspace pages

R.i.P. and sorry to all the knew them

how about you step down from your internet pedestal, shut up and show some respect for the kids that are gone, their families, and the friends that are on here reading all the garbage you people are posting.

They left my friend Rachel and john house right before 10:30. They live right near Zorbas. Mel dies on impact. They hit a telephone pole in front of Andersons. Mark died @ 6:57am. Is head was selling way to bad so they drilled a hole in his skull but the blood clot could not be stopped from bleeding in his brain.

This couple were great friends of mine. This has been very roung for me and Krazy K(kory) all day. Me and him were sitting there looking @ the scene saying it just is not right how it happened. Something seemed fishy. We made some phone calls to some srt-4 owners and found one to be a lil fishy. So we went to where the kid was @ around 3:15pm today and he was shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds. Kid had a huuuuge guilty look on his face. Now why would this kid leave the scene? Well after some talking to the kid he admitted racing him. Wouldent say anything else though. Kid drives a Blue neon SRT-4. I caled the cops asap and they were there within 5-min.

Cops were taking him to his house to look @ his car…we were all wondering why it was not with him @ his buddies house:snky:

Mark is not a person who is into racing really. Hes a very cautions person thats why i find it hard to believe this happened.Im thinking the kid somehow hit him when they were racing. Shit we couldent even get mark to do a small burnout in the rental car when i was in St.Marten with him back in Feb. Shitty thing is he just traded his Chevy blazer in for this 03 Mach 1 i believe tue or wed. His first stick car.

I hope this clears up some confusion.

R.I.P Mark and Mel you will be missed buddy ill never forget the great time i had with you two!

in for updates.

there is a cool picture of choko dragging him on a chair with my 4-wheeler on his myspace

Losing freinds is always though. R.I.P

They left my friend Rachel and john house right before 10:30. They live right near Zorbas. Mel dies on impact. They hit a telephone pole in front of Andersons. Mark died @ 6:57am. Is head was selling way to bad so they drilled a hole in his skull but the blood clot could not be stopped from bleeding in his brain.

This couple were great friends of mine. This has been very roung for me and Krazy K(kory) all day. Me and him were sitting there looking @ the scene saying it just is not right how it happened. Something seemed fishy. We made some phone calls to some srt-4 owners and found one to be a lil fishy. So we went to where the kid was @ around 3:15pm today and he was shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds. Kid had a huuuuge guilty look on his face. Now why would this kid leave the scene? Well after some talking to the kid he admitted racing him. Wouldent say anything else though. Kid drives a Blue neon SRT-4. I caled the cops asap and they were there within 5-min.

Cops were taking him to his house to look @ his car…we were all wondering why it was not with him @ his buddies house:snky:

Mark is not a person who is into racing really. Hes a very cautions person thats why i find it hard to believe this happened.Im thinking the kid somehow hit him when they were racing. Shit we couldent even get mark to do a small burnout in the rental car when i was in St.Marten with him back in Feb. Shitty thing is he just traded his Chevy blazer in for this 03 Mach 1 i believe tue or wed. His first stick car.

I hope this clears up some confusion.

R.I.P Mark and Mel you will be missed buddy ill never forget the great time i had with you two!

Brian… i fucking love you…and words cannot explain how much it kills me to be away at school right now…and not that awesome house of urs with you and Kory… and be there to comfort you guys and John and Rach…hug everyone for me…thanks for keeping me updated…and know that I love you guys… 2 weeks cannot come soon enough!

If there is any paint on that SRT4, there is a good chance he’d be in jail. This isn’t FNF:TD, you can’t hit people because you’re losing a race.

he left the scene because hes trying to cover his ass, and most people in that situation would have done the same thing. Sorry to hear about your friends though, its never good when these kinds of things happen.