DRAMA= purestock240

email from 240sx

or you can shut the fuck up and take your stayner loving fucking ass and eat your mommys dried up stanky pussy ben.

lol you just keep makin yourself look even better bud!

i can only help you when someone fucks you 240sx but when you start it…lol ^i thought you where done here

I was… until i got that email. my bad

It’s one thing for him to lowball, but to get your father to come out and low ball for him, now I have heard it all from SON…


enough ladies lol and as weaves stated to bring your dad into it your kind of pathetic hmm…derek this sounds kinda of like you and brandon hahaha

the car wasent for the kid… from what i understand… you did say it was the DAD that handed you the money. they used it for parts… for a car the dad actually owns…

but if it makes you happy… im wrong… your right…

so do u still have the car or did u end up giving it to them ?

fuck this is a stupid thread, you sure didnt have the balls to say anything to get ur money then, do u think bitching about it will get it now ???

any why did they load the car and then discuss payment ? is all the way backwards and the blame is more ur fault then the other party.

grow a sack and make sure nobody talks you out of that too !!!



why so ?


lol never was this car going to be turned into a racecar or was it said that it would be

ad never said it wouldn’t come with front end

you wanted 400 for a complete car minus motor and tranny, that d i could “drop a motor in it and put on the street” also that “no corners were cut” removing the old motor. you said it yourself 240sx.

the car i saw had NO OWNERSHIP, Missing interior panels and shit everywhere, no fuel pump, rotted to nothing, no exhaust, wiring was cut, airbags had been removed, no headlights, barely had rockers they were so rotted. so i think the 140 you got was still probably a little high. especially since you told me in pm that after getting offered what you did you went and stripped out everything you could.

he didnt wait till he was on the way to call you. we were in Barrie anyways.

and why the fuck are you bitching at me when all i did is stand there and watch your piece of shit 1300 pound load of scrap get put on a trailer and towed away. I MYSELF DID NOTHING so stfu.

pass me the popcorn :wackit:

This is going to get naughty!!!

This was the biggest waste of time reading this thread. To sum things up, should have been a man and stook up for yourself at that point in time. Now thats its all said and done, you obviously didnt mind too much if it left for 120.

Karma’s a bitch ain’t it?

Remember this car you sold my friend?

When we went to pick it up you snagged the diff gas tank among other things…
Everything was fine when we checked it out the first time. Said you’d fix a bunch of things here and there.
We gave you over a week to do it.

Then when we picked up. Loaded it on the flat bed. And the whole pumpkin and gas tank were missing… Oh and there was only cloth seats…

I thought it was a little unfair of you to bitch about something like this when you have done shit too… Just saying…
I never posted any of this before. Never would have. Until I read this. It angered me.


boom goes the dynamite

pretty much what he did to my dad.

said it was complete and all this shit
got there and noticed it had no door panels, screw it they were useless to me anyways but he didnt know that. it was too dark to see anything but for the price he agreed to we didnt need to see to much. got it home and it was completely stripped.

but of course my dad lowballed him so we did all the wrong and him stripping the car after saying everything was there is alright because 240sx is awesome.

I dont see how he can bitch at us. ESPECIALLY ME when he tried to rip us off. atleast my dad was honest and said heres $140. too bad you couldnt be honest and say heres a stripped car.