Drift attack series popularity

I am writing this to see if there is interest in Canada for the Drift attack series. I am considering corporate sponsorship for either the series or a chosen driver in the series. Is this a well known event, and is the following as strong in Canada as it is in the US? Thanks for any feedback.

You need to go make an intro in the new members intro thread.

Then tell us detail what you are talking about.

there is a huge drift community here. we had team drift extreme and signal auto do a drift expo at mosport, one of our local tracks.

Drifting? … What’s that?
Here in Canada? The only type of drifting we do is with our dog sleds when we leave our igloos in the morning on our way to seal hunting :lol:
Hey we just got hydro yesterday and I heard we are getting cable next week!

Come on dude what kind of question is that? … Is there any interest in Drifting in Canada? :lol:
Drifting is the fastest growing motorsport in the world!

i thought Ksport no longer existed?

yes we do, havent gone anywhere, there was a large us dealer that is no longer in business that sold most of it though.

Maybe i should rephrase my drifting question, is the turnout at the canadian drift events as large as the US ones?

turnout is good for Canadian events, but not as big as the US events.

go here:


what is your role with Ksport


I am the President

Since your here, why do all Americans use AIM?

And as for interest in drifting, like bing posted. Surf over to driftnation.
There is alot of interest, but numbers at events is pathetic here in Ontario.
But has increased from season to season. Rules here in Canada are very strict and alot of people don’t seem to like it, others are just too cheap to pay the money/drive 2 hours to the event.


I think a large part of the reason is a lock of aftermarket support for drift parts here in Canada. I know a lot of people would be willing to shell out the money if parts were easily available in Canada. To some people, the idea of having to roder from the US, and pay shipping, customs, and brokerage fees is what makes them hesitant to buying parts.

If it wasn’t for Bing organizing Group buys for various parts from the US, hardly anybody here would have anything for their cars.

I can see people paying a slight premium on products knowing that they don’t have to worry about hidden fees at the border. My main goal is to see drifting grow in Canada, but without the help of manufacturers setting up shop here, it will be difficult.

i have some pimp shit coming out soon wayner

Canada has 1/10th the population spread over a larger area… your NOT Going to get anywhere near the crowds US events gets… Is it popular? it’s catching on, lack of real events, promotion and proper facilites in Canada to do drifting has hurt most motorsports in general.

1/10th the pop, yes. Larger area? Hardly. The population -distribution- in Canada is very polarized. I forget the exact figure but something like 85% of Canadians live within 200km of the US border. Nearly 80% of the total population lives within the 25 major metropolitan areas, which represents less than 1% of the total area of the country.

your missing the point , canada is a larger country and the population of LA county is higher then all of Canada… this is what is meant. you’d need to gather ALL of Canada’s population into the GTA/golden HS for it to be close enough in density to LA county… unless of course your considering running a drift comp all along the 7200km or so of US/Can border for one event??

Okay then it’s not “US crowds” it’s “LA county” crowds that you should be comparing to. And I doubt LA county alone has 32million people considering that’s the population of the entire state of kaliifwohnya.

… ok mr litteral:roll: … what I’m referring to is the fact that that’s one state , one race and they get a full crowd out to it, costs are paid and logistics is satified… they can do this across the US in 10-20 cities and make money at each one… you can’t do that, on anywhere near the level you can down there, you could have maybe 1/10 the names coming , almost no external support ( out of stadium sales and promo booths for various sponsors) you don’t even have tracks in the right sposts to do it effectivly sure you’ll get hard cores out to the races but that doesn’t fill mostport or shannonville and it’s not local enough for the new interested party to take the trips… other road tracks are few and far between where any population is concerned, then you have the logistics costs to get to one populated area or another… they could run a whole series in Cali. or Texas and make more money keep thier sponsors on tourn and get 10x the exposure to people they would up here… to run a paying, money making event schedule your not going to do it here in Canada…