Drifting Popularity.

In general, how popular do you think drifting is.

Say if I were to offer a VERY unique venue as far as drifting is concerned… how far would people come to participate? and do you think there would be enough of an interest as far as spectators are concerned to be able to sustain the cost of the venue.

Let’s just say that this venue costs… hmm I dunno…20,000 for the day.
(bullshit figure)

150 dollars entry per car (TRUST ME THIS VENUE IS WORTH IT)
20 dollars per spectator.

(These are rough estimates)

Say 25 drivers sign up. $3750
that means 812 people would have to come watch to break even on costs.

do you think that would happen in canada?

EDIT: i know this is similar to the other thread, but I would rather it be a diff. topic. This is more on from a spectator perspective.

All I’m sayin is that for $20 there better be a whole lot more to see than just noobs practicing.

there would be. hit me up on MSN.
im having a go big or go home moment.


and how far am I driving if I live in Toronto West

J. im here where are you?? 8)

Your driving to Toronto, dont worry.

When you start including spectators, it gets a whole of a lot harder to insure, prove proper safety precautions have been taken, etc… And you can only get figures like that AFTER the first event. Expect like… 50-150 people to show up to the first one, b/c they dunno if it’ll suck or not. If it doesn’t suck, you should have no problem meeting those minimum spectator requirements.

the problem being
with a GO BIG OR GO HOME attitude
you cannot GO BIG on the venue and take ahuge hit the FIRST TIME
there is ONLY one time


not even close buddy
nice try though 8)

not really imo

You mean the RogersCentre.

alot of people think that they can pull this off.

what you are forgetting is that Alberto has already been down alot of these avenues and tried to hold all kinds of the same type of events that people are thinking they can pull off.

he pursued what you are pursuing, ran into the same roadblocks you are going to run into and reacted the way you are going to have to react and is where you will end up.

actually the only way you will get as far as berto has is if you are willing to devote a great deal of your time, effort and risk a great deal of money on your idea and spread that devotion over a few years.

people seem to think that Alberto isnt doing it the right way or something but that is not the case.

it is 100% the fact that we (the community as a whole not just SON) are not supporting him enough.

you will get less support than he gets and you will have fewer resources.

he has the D1 teams and he has a few events under his belt already.

if anyone thinks that they are going to put an event together that will crush the DN events in just a few months then you need to stop thinking like a complete moron.

i am not directing that at anyone in particular, there has been alot of talk of trying to organize events by all kinds of people who dont actually know what it takes.

Alberto does know and he has done it.

the only way things like this are going to happen at this point is if we help him instead of trying to compete with him.

i will also say that it isnt our fault that we cant give the kind of support that DN needs either.

if there were proper venues that werent 3 hours out of the way then we would be fine.

Cali has tracks all over the place in major city centres, we have to drive out to the middle of nowhere.

not popular enough, if it was just drifting

maybe in cali

not here

party pooper!

it’s a great idea though Justin.

It would be great if you could get the Molson Indy people to lat us use the track before the Indy or something. That is guaranteed spectators right there, but unfortunately alot of the “profit” would go to Molson…

it was a THEORY not a fucking business proposal… losen up hitler


sorry man, i have heard ALOT of people planning to do stuff like this.

if you want it to happen talk to berto about it.

he could get the teams to come out and turn it into a real event.

im just getting a feel of what sort of sports would be most profitable to apply the GO BIG OR GO HOME theory to.

Grassroots motorsports and profitable are not words that go together.

wow by the looks of it alberto is the only one that is allowed to organize an event, for all you know bing, niterider may be a better negotiater or may have other connections instead of telling the guy that he’s a moron you should give him some support, if it works out for him then we will all benifit if it doesnt oh well it would have been a good experience on his part.

bing=party pooper as stated before