Driftbox 60-130 MPH times

how do you NOT know?

not everyone lives at innovative?

But will does.

oh, my bad.

i dont know.

stupid question: for the 60-130 calculations: are you guys starting from 60 and then going WOT at the start of the run, or is it a continuous run where once you hit 60 it begins recording and then just outputs that interval?

WOT from 0-130… when you hit 60 it starts

(its not a dumb question, i asked the same thing) lol

Doesn’t have to be from 0, just less than 60.

Mike, post up my time, its a good start for these punks!

what was your time… i want an idea to where the neon stands

I truthfully don’t remember. Whatever it was, it was slower than it would be now, lol. If I remember correctly, I did a 3-4 gear pull, which takes me to like 132, and I was on pump gas, which is a 114 mph trap speed. I could be wrong though, it was when MPD first got the drift box, and I don’t remember too much. I think it was 10.x ?

word… good times

Very stupid question, I’d expect more from you

I’ll do it again on 100 and meth/spray, and see what it does. I would guess high 8’s low 9’s? Hard to say without more experience with the measure, heh. That would be 0 - high 120’s in mid to low 11’s, so if you take out the 4+ seconds of 0 - 60, I would guess 8’s.

We’ll have to do it again when you get the spray :slight_smile: I should have my box by then :slight_smile:

I wanna do it again with no traffic or worries… maybe with some spray too.

lol i typed practically the same thing

what are you spraying that thing at?

Mark, I dont remember what it was, I can look it up though when I get home. It was faster than a Gallardo though. We need to get more people on this so we can compare numbers. :tup:

um i might just do a 40 shot… I’m going to need a power commander first, and maybe onboard computer to change maps. In reality, i want a new car prior to doing that though.

ill beat it if i get traction…good runs