Drifting is kinda like sex, you just do it.
I’m looking forward to what or if anything comes out from this idea.
Good luck to everyone involved in this.
I think half of SON is still confused.
Me > Tom
Only one way to settle this…next track day.
Lets do it bitch!!!
RB20 vs RB20!!!
(If I still have the car by than haha) or else
RB20 vs SR20 =[ You have the advantage, but will not prevail!!!
What advantage you got a welded diff! I’m running VLSD
I like your idea, it can work but just not for everyone as you can see. I think your taking the criticism the right way if you want this to work. Good luck and if you need help bouncing more ideas give me a pm.
I really do thank everyone for the comments and criticism. I am working on the website now, I’m working on getting the all my T’s crossed and I’s dotted. I look forward to seeing you all at the tracks and who knows, maybe at our course. Thanks for everything and the next time I post a forum, it’ll be a better one.
^ lemme know if you need any help making your website.
Like Akon best said, “I’ll still kill”
Don’t you guys think this post is kind of weird?
I mean I followed this entire thread (short) but still, he seems sketchy no matter how you put it.
IMO, he’s a big waste of time, just by reading his Quarter-Assed replies and post.
I don’t think it’s weird. I think it’s from someone besides the OP. Try re-reading who you quoted.
Dude you’re an idiot. You just fucking failed.
That’s Trevor… not the op.
And Trevor made really good points. +1 to him.
You’re a big waste of time.
Thanks Mark, for saying the same thing as me, less politely, 10 minutes later.
And ironically I’m replying an hour after you on the dot too… Hmm…
Love how his post is complete self pwn too, after reading it again…
Yes we find your post kind of weird vitasoy. We also doubt you followed this entire (short) thread too, which makes me question your ability to comprehend basic concepts as well as your basic language comprehension skills… I would say that yes, you are a big waste of time, and your replies are quarter-assed as well (I assume that’s your made up term for something that has even less effort than something which is half-assed)
I think that this is a good idea and something that S1DC was going to plan out until we got busier in our schedules.
I agree with most points in this thread so far except for the morons who have nothing to say about the subject and yet still post in here.
You cant learn style in drifting by watching someone else. However, you can learn the techniques. When you have the techniques down then you can add your own style into your drifting. The line, understeer, technique, etc. All these things CAN be tought as long as the teacher knows these elements of the sport.
I think its a good idea but needs to be planned out a little more. DO an interest check when you have pricing and what tracks/tracktime you can give to the students. Having a teacher is good, but track time is going to be your major factor when it comes down to it.
If S1DC was not going to be so busy this year then we probably would have jumped on this to do our part to help out.
If you need a hand with web design i can for sure help you with that. Check out our site @ www.s1dc.ca.
Get your shit together and get this thing started man, its a good idea.
P.S. Fuck the haters and people who have no input who posted… you know who you are.
We tested this last year.
Twice I believe.
Once, Wayne ran it - the other time we did.
There was tonnes of interest but not too many cars showed up.
Maybe the location was too far for some people (shannonville)
I’m sure the interest is there for people to learn.
Any location in mind?
If you want this to work you gotta make progress, Post where you plan on holding this camp, an approximation of cost to be in the camp, Can we bring our own cars for comfort factor.
You can just leave one paragraph of writting saying your improving your website and not giving any of us more information. Answer those questions and the ball will start rolling. Alot of the critisism ive been reading isnt constructive at all so you need to do whats nessasary to take away the negative and bring in the positive.
Now i still think its odd having a drifting camp i think alot of the son members need to be heading to concentration camp. I learned how to drift on my own on the street and in large parking lots, I still want to improve by learning from a pro, Although drift bible has tought me lots with techinique but theres nothing like a pro sitting in the passenger seat explaining it to you.
Honestly here good luck i hope it works out for you, Just Get all the informations needed and then there will be alot more positive feed back forsure.