DriftOps Driver Search hosted by DMCC

  1. Fiddy
  2. Cody
  3. Ryan Stock
  4. Chris Budgell - keez
  5. Lucas Johnson
  6. Peter Chrisikopoulos
  7. Rodrigo Oliveira
  8. Simon Rowe
  9. Massimo Narini (VOLVO!)
  10. Chris de la Cruz (sideways E30)
    11.andrew (sil8t)
  11. Mike DeTurck (350z)
  12. Chris Klassen
  1. Fiddy
  2. Cody
  3. Ryan Stock
  4. Chris Budgell - keez
  5. Lucas Johnson
  6. Peter Chrisikopoulos
  7. Rodrigo Oliveira
  8. Simon Rowe
  9. Massimo Narini (VOLVO!)
  10. Chris de la Cruz (sideways E30)
    11.andrew (sil8t)
  11. Mike DeTurck (350z)
  12. Chris Klassen
  13. Kevin Ayuen (G35)

Detail detail details!

Your Driver Search registration includes:
- Driver’s pass - gives you access to both days

  • 2 mechanic passes - access to both days
  • Podium ceremony
  • Trophies for top 3 finishers
  • Prizes - TBD

7:00am to 9:00am

  • All drivers must check in and prepare for tech inspections.

9:30am to 10:00am

  • Mandatory drivers meeting

11:30am to 11:45am

  • Drivers pre-grid

11:45am - 1:15pm

  • Open practice

2:00pm - 2:15pm

  • Pre-grid for qualifying

2:15pm - 3:15pm

  • Qualifying

3:15pm - 3:30pm

  • Drivers meeting, Top 8 announcement (possibly top 16 depending on time)


  • Cars stage for main event


  • Round 1: Top 8 (or possibly top 16)


  • Finals!


  • Awards Ceremony!

To register, send me an email: wayneklee@gmail.com and I will send you a registration form.


  1. Fiddy
  2. Cody
  3. Ryan Stock
  4. Chris Budgell - keez
  5. Lucas Johnson
  6. Peter Chrisikopoulos
  7. Rodrigo Oliveira
  8. Simon Rowe
  9. Massimo Narini (VOLVO!)
  10. Chris de la Cruz (sideways E30)
    11.andrew (sil8t)
  11. Mike DeTurck (350z)
  12. Chris Klassen
  13. Kevin Ayuen (G35)
  14. Chris St. John (Batard Child in Kat form)

hmm I’m so tempted to do it even though I’m not gonna be competitive against some of these serious people haha…

wow im actaully impressed with the schedule. good stuff!! cant wait for this!!

  1. Fiddy
  2. Cody
  3. Ryan Stock
  4. Chris Budgell - keez
  5. Lucas Johnson
  6. Peter Chrisikopoulos
  7. Rodrigo Oliveira
  8. Simon Rowe
  9. Massimo Narini (VOLVO!)
  10. Chris de la Cruz (sideways E30)
    11.andrew (sil8t)
  11. Mike DeTurck (350z)
  12. Chris Klassen
  13. Kevin Ayuen (G35)
  14. Chris St. John (Batard Child in Kat form)
  15. Raf

I will get the forms ready tonight. PM or email me your to get your form!


Any information on what amateur layout will be like?

probly like that again

  1. Fiddy
  2. Cody
  3. Ryan Stock
  4. Chris Budgell - keez
  5. Lucas Johnson
  6. Peter Chrisikopoulos
  7. Rodrigo Oliveira
  8. Simon Rowe
  9. Massimo Narini (VOLVO!)
  10. Chris de la Cruz (sideways E30)
  11. andrew (sil8t)
  12. Mike DeTurck (350z)
  13. Chris Klassen
  14. Kevin Ayuen (G35)
  15. Chris St. John (Batard Child in Kat form)
  16. Raf
  17. Theo

Yeah Theo! I see you must have convinced your girl :slight_smile: hahaha.

hmm… would my car pass tech even though it has a minor oil leak from time to time?

Hmm, im considering doing this, just for some track time. Obviously i won’t get to far in this competition with some of these big names signing up. But still.

I told her that it depends on the motor… I’m doing a compression check tomorrow, and if it’s good and strong still, I’m going… if it’s starting to loose a bit, we’re going to the family reunion. Here’s hoping all is well!!

Thorough tech inspections will be made to ensure that all cars are safe and DO NOT LEAK any fluids. Leaking fluids on a track is a bad thing.

The amateur layout is going to be the same as last year.

As for driver pits, I know last year space was tight and some people had to be moved around. we’re going to sort everything out and make sure that doesn’t happen again. Drivers may need to pit just outside the gate.

And I cannot stress enough the importance of being on time and following the schedule. We need to bring a little more professionalism to the sport. This means that if a drivers meeting is scheduled; you are there at that time.

Also, when comes down to elimination rounds, don’t throw on tires that will only last a couple runs. Make sure you have fresh tires that will last all the way to the end! If any of your cars break down, you get a maximum of 5 minutes to fix it.

Again, sorry for the delay on the registration forms, I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment.

Yes, please do not bring a car that you know has leaking fluids.

That’s basically purposely trying to cause an accident at the track, which could be very dangerous.

If you know your car can’t perform or has problems, DO NOT BRING IT.

This is just for the safety of your fellow s-chassis friends and others that will be participating.

Is there going to be nice clipping points?
Maybe Kendrick would better answer this question.
I like those tall red ones you can hit and not worry about damage, not that broad grouping of tires. I think clipping points are important on a layout such as downsview because of the width of the track being so wide.

not to mention if you want the day to be slow and boring… cleaning a leak on the track is a big slow down for everyone -

tires are sick !! more exploozzziesss!

i might come watch