yeah but they don’t have as many tree huggers as we do. Just like that SD refinery thing.
While conceding defeat, opponents vowed to keep fighting the controversial project on every imaginable front, pressing on with a lawsuit it filed against the county over the zoning procedures and opposing Hyperion as it applies for a bevy of state and federal permits.
“We have strategies in place to slow or delay all the permit processes,” Ed Cable, chairman of the anti-Hyperion group Save Union County, said after the vote.
These fucking people need to realize, alterative fuels with the support systems needed for changing the curret infrastructure doesn’t happen overnight. If they still want their starbucks coffee and SUV’s to go trekking through the mountains, we need more refineries and have to tap more national oil resources like oil shale in colorado, The alaskan reserves, and parts of the california coast in order to sustain us and bolster the economy to create these new jobs and companies gears towards alternative energy. Right now things are starting to fold so how in the hell can people expect there to be research or companies willing to take the risks to find and implement these new resources when a lot of technology and products use oil in several different ways. This goes way beyond just fuel issues.
What should be going on in D.C. is everyone need to stop and think, ok this is absoultely rediculous and spend money on self sustaining supplies or go into more agreements with Canada and Mexico, and at the same time start blitzing techology that will make the vehicles way more efficient so this doesn’t happen again or atleast be better prepared for it.
All these tree huggers are do now is delaying shit including research and a better way of life for the tail end of our generation and future generations.