driveline hum

Look at my f.b page and see what else I found lol

oh shit

What happened. I don’t haz FB

neither do i…i have a real life


yeah, rear end is fucked but atleast the front end works now.

ouch. probably about due for exhaust manifolds soon too.

I didnt think thats an issue on the '04+ trucks.

yeah its an issue, most likely the pass side will start leaking first. they crack and leak at the flange.

fuck it Ill just get some longtube headers when that happens. So far its ok at 95k

Yeah its one of those things that seems to be random and hard to predict. May not happen anytime soon but if you are keeping it for the long haul…

thats the plan.

I know my brother had to get one replaced on his '01 4.6.

its probably a rat or squirell inside … eating at various treatz pjb consumes at various partys and meets

It’s eating the steak that he’s been hiding in his pockets for years.

no, its bad bearings and its getting fixed Tuesday

what??? they dont crack lol . the stud rots off and therfore allowing exh to go by gasket lol the manifold dont crack at worse the gasket flange is rotted lol .the 3 valve motors dont seam to do it like the older 2 valve motors do . jellies how is that running now its all tuned up ?

It runs good and seems to have a little more pickup off the line. Really I didnt notice it running bad before though. I ran the last tank down to empty and just filled it on Tuesday so I havent been able to see if gas mileage is better.

Thats exactly what happened to the manifold on my brother’s truck.

I have one right now, an 04 with 27k… cracked pass side, no studs rotted. I have seen 06 and 07 with leaks but no cracks. Yeah the tiny hardware is usually the problem first though.

is there a plow on the cracked one ??? im not saying they dont crack cause if there let go long enough with a leak its a hot spot and its gonna weaken it . but they normally dont .