Driver follows GPS into sand,23599,20555319-13762,00.html

AN 80-year-old German motorist has obediently followed his navigation system all the way into a huge pile of sand, abrubtly bringing his trip to an end.

The motorist ignored a motorway “closed for construction” sign and crashed his Mercedes into a pile of sand further down the road, police have said.

“The driver was following the orders from his navigation system and even though there was a sufficient number of warnings and barricades, he continued his journey into the construction site,” a police spokeswoman has said.

“His trip finally ended when he wound up crashing into a pile of sand,” she added.

The driver and his wife escaped uninjured from the collision, which occurred on a motorway near Hamburg.


yeah, i let my computer and smart phone do most of my thinking for me. i totally would have done the same thing.

sorry stupid thread i know… i just thought it was funny that it happened around here.

Around here?

That would be Hamburg Germany.

The funny thing is, I bet you think the German guy is a dumbass.

its not stupid… unless you were that guy

If I would have followed my borrowed nav system that closely on my way back from NC I would have drove off an overpass at about 100 feet in the air. It seems they re-designed the interchange and had not updated the GPS map yet. It was beeping at me telling me to exit left when I was 100 feet off the ground with no exit in sight.

I bet in the US I could have found a lawyer to help me sue Garmin, the construction company, and the map maker had I done it though.




lol whatever… i know nothing about germany… i don’t live there so forgive me… lol thought it was ironic hamburg… we happen to have one… :gotme: