Driving a RHD car in Canada

Buyin a JDM silvia\180sx isn’t as big of a deal as some poeple say. I’ve bought a JDM silvia on april of last year and don’t regret it. Yes, I could have waited a bit longer for a cleaner body (mis-match color and some bent corners due to shipping) but this one had cool mods, good price, and hell of a clean underchassis! So i took it and never looked back.

I love my car ever since, drove it for 7500km during the summers, had a few problems with it but nothing serious… now it’s stored until april. To be modified when it gets out :smiley:

I say shop long and hard for the right one. silvia parts are easy to come by (much easier thant R chassis for example). So you get a great car, for a great price, with that JDM tyte smell :confused:.

have fun!

how bad is insurance guys, being a guy (most of us under 25) and having a S13/S14 is bad enough; approx. how much worse does it get??
I am currently in the market of getting a RHD 300zx,
jdmmontreal.ca and jdmtigerjapanese.com seems to have the best deals; but we still get screwed.

Another benefit of RHD is when you get pulled over on the BING’S Niagara Cruise the cop yells at Bing in the passenger seat instead of the driver :-p

RHD is fine. I don’t even notice swapping from LHD then RHD back in forth. You have to have coordination.

Yes left hand turns are a bitch but only at big busy intersections where retards are running the reds at 100kmh like in Scarborough or Brampton…downtown its fine. Hanging out in the middle of an intersection making a left is actually illegal anyway but they let it slide and if there is an accident the left-hand turner is charged (unless it was red).

Meh just make a bunch of rights.

Passing is no problem especially if your car has balls. I just lay further back to make the pass to I can get a clear viewing angle, gear down, boost and murk the vehicle I’m passing.

Anyone that moans about ATM or drive thru should get a life and just walk. That is not a deal killer.

I’ve done that for McDonalds a few times. My driver’s power window only works when it’s really cold out lol, the opposite of others. Prob a loose connection. Anyways, the look on their faces IS priceless. I need a passenger to do it, but if you’re gettin a RHD, you’ll be receiving the order hahaha.

This one time I was told that I couldn’t be served going in reverse…booooo damn Burger King.

burger king = haters

my insurance on my 180 was no more then my insuracne on my truck

im with dave, i swap from rhd to lhd every day (spring/summer that is) and i dont notice a difference

its jst like driving anythign else, the only problem i encountered was when i first strated, going from lhd to rhd, i found that i was too close to the left side of whateer lane i was in, (often riding the line, in my rhd car) having always placed myself on the left side of a lane (in a lhd car)

i had to keep reminding myself to stay to the right in my rhd cars.

after driving for a while tho, you get used to each style and now i can switch over without having to think about anything

Sounds like you just want a jdm tyte wicked cool car man. I bet you could find a pretty sweet jdm tyte honda on auto trader that has “jdm” wheels and “jdm” decals if your interested.

But seirously, at least your making a thread about it, cause the last thing you want to do is get over your head with this. I drive a 180 (Matty’s old car ^^), and the “problems” with right hand drive are not bad at all. Blah blah blah left hand turns and passing…whatever, sounds like questions the 8 year old accross the street from me asks me. The real problems come down to insurance and the condition of the car. Do you research on insurance FIRST ! Most of the cars have been sitting in junk yards for a while, so you never know what your going to get. Budget about $9 000 I’d say for a nice clean s13. Maybe around 7 or 8 for the car and an extra thousand or too simply because you never know what you could be getting.

Up to you in the end man, just don’t drive like an asshole when you get it and fuck us all over. I’m sure you will be fine.

I prefer driving RHD

the only problem i have ever heard was insuring them… i dont know if current rhd owners can chime in on this part

my friend just got his r32 last week, no problems getting his insurance company to insure it, they just required a statement from one of those people that evaluate the value of the car…I don’t remember the name of the profession off hand, but anyway, the person basically had to write whether there were any modifications to the engine(they didnt care about the body mods), and after that, it was just another car being insured…his insurance wasn’t too bad either, a little bit more than his s13.

eh and if u go thru with it they make mirrors that u can strap to ur passenger seat head rest so u can actually make a left without guessing now thats jdm tyte

My insurances are high yes. But I would have paid as much for a new car (i.e. a shitty one that has no balls)

I pay 1200$ per year, full insurance. That’s about 130$ per month here in Quebec, and they refund 40% of the crash clause because I store it during winter. So for a first car, it ain’t so bad. People tell me i’m crazy, then I tell’em I have fun with my car, and that’s the price to pay. Usually that shuts em up.

I know you have way higher rates in Ontario, so that’s probably a bad example, but i dunno.

As far as finding a insurance company, I asked a broker, and he told me that nobody wanted to add new customers with RHD cars. What saved me is that I was already insured on my parents car with AXA. And the law stipulates that you cannot drive on public roads without insurances, so if you’re already insured with a company, they cannot refuse to insure you on a new car. Dunno if it’s completly true, but they were the only ones who commited to insure my car, so I didn’t argue about the price ;).

Good luck man!