RHD anyone?

So i know for the most part alot of you guys drive RHD cars.

I was thinking with the end of this years vacation pay and alittle more in maybe buying a true import. Alltrac Celica, silvia, soarer. Something along those lines.

And just wondering is it worth buying a RHD celica or just buying one from here for like 1-2k more?

Is driving RHD really that bad?(left turns and such)

well its really up to you about buying a rhd celica. I guess it could be “rare” since there arent too many around …correct me if im wrong…

the whole concept of rhd has been gone over many times though. Once you get used to it you’ll be fine, just like anything else…left hand turns in heavy traffic can be a pain sometime. I just wouldnt recommend rhd vehicles for newer drivers.

Are you also factoring OOP price( and price of parts to pass) as well as In Canada shipping into your price margin? That 1-2 thousand dollar margin could be closed pretty quickly! Also considerer aftermarket support when buying a jdm…Im sure the parts support for an alltrac is not nearly as large as a silvia/180 or even a skyline.
Do some searching around there are countless rants on this topic! GL :slight_smile:

I heard alot of Alltrac parts were interchangeable with just regular celica’s of that time. Probably wwway off but that’s what i’ve heard.

I do want a 240/180 or silvia even, but is winte driving difficult at times?

I wouldn’t conclude that the majority of us drive RHD cars. I would still think that the majority drive LHD.

rhd is a pain at intersections and when the cops pull you over(more for the cops and not for you) :lol: ,winter with turbo in my opinion would not be that great.Dont u have 240? I would just pimp that unit and buy a truck for winter.

ummm its safer for the cops to be out of harms way on the curb side…

ya but they just bitch and complain that it confuses them and it is dangerous if i would choose to pull a gun but cops are bored in my town

I dont mind RHD, took a few days to get used to. driving in vancouver when i first got it i was getting really close to hitting curbs and whatnot. almost side swiping people. passing people can be a bitch sometimes.

Kind of off topic, but when will the MKIV Supra’s be available for import? January 2008?

^ Way to threadjack. 99% sure the first production month was May '93

i havent driven a RHD yet…but wouldnt it be sorta the same as taking a right turn
in a LHD…? loll

You have to go through a lane, i don’t know…from some people i heard it’s bad, but then from others there just like “whatever”.

I have been driving for over 3 years in RHD almost every day … and I am still alive … its a miracle

Depends on the intersection, i know some are better than others so i try to avoid driving through the bad ones.

Lol, like the one uuh, on 23rd the intersection right from superstore, gah’d even driving a LHD car on that one is retarded. When im the passenger taking that turn i can’t see sheeett.

I find RHD to be no harder than LHD, except for two lane highways, when you want to pass (this is the time to have a passenger handy :lol: )

Left hand turns (for me) seem to not be a problem what-so-ever, so… there’s my $0.02

if your mentally handicapped, driving RHD isnt for you. if you have half a wit about you, you should be able to adapt. ive had mine for 1 year, and never once had a problem.
although i do find the po po like to pull me over more often for anything they can think of. it makes it worse when the walk up to the left side and realize they just made a fool outta themselves, and have to walk around to the other side.
i even had a cop try and tell me it was illegal. what a dumb f**k. threatened to give me more tickets!

That’s because cops are fuuny, all i know is, you can never get away insulting a cop infront of him/her. So be nice! Ive seen too many drunk idiots get hauled away for saying a word or two. :partyman: