"Right Hand Drive JDM" 180SX in Trader

How is this being sold? Is it not an illegally imported car?

Comment: 1991 Nissan 180 SX, SR20Det, LDS, 3" cat back, 17" BBS chrome wheels, S15 swap available with carbon hood and VIS bumper. 110 km. $12,500. (905)782-1414


i dunno but thats a pretty good price

guy might have converted it to RHD, there are a few of those in the states on the NICO board.

conversion, duhhhh.

there is one in on this forum too…

Why would you convert your perfectly good LHD car to RHD? To make it harder for you to drive it on the street and nearly impossible to take left turns safely?
I think that’s a perfect definition of rice. When you do something that costs a nice bit of money, doesn’t improve your performance or looks in any way and makes it awkward for you to drive on the street just so that other people think you have a JDM car.

how would it make lefts harder??!?
its like turning right with a left hand drive car… i dont see it anyharder

plus, its JDM tyte yo how can you call that rice?

I’ll try my best to explain it, and draw something if not.
You’re trying to turn left at a light, there’s another line up of cars making a left from the opposite side. It’s hard enough to see traffic from the other cars (especially if a van or suv is leading), but now picture yourself in the passenger seat! You can’t see a damn thing from the opposing lane! You’ll either have to wait for the light to turn red, then go on a red when you’re fairly certain that no one will run it, or take a chance and have someone plow into the side of you (and now you’re on this side, NOT your passenger) and you’ll prolly die from the collision since there’s not a whole lot of side supports in the car.

i think he meant for left turns… but come one. they are just left turns and your only like a foot or 2 from where you were before. the difference would be so miniscule that it wouldnt bother the driver after like a week of driving.

I totally agree that it is rediculus to convert no matter how cool it is. If you buy a Jap car from over sea’s yeah you’ll have to live with it and its prob worth living with if its Jap spec :slight_smile:

But all the power to you if you converted, to each his own. I wouldn’t, but thats just me.


point taken… guess i didnt think of it that way, BUT with a car like that, i hope it wouldnt be the daily driver and likely not taken out too much during the day… or atleast during busy rush our times…

Well, really, I feel the same way as Andrew on this one. If I had a real JDM car, I wouldn’t convert it to LHD. It costs money, and if I had a JDM, I’d be pretty proud of it too.

there have been a few people to get into accidents with RHD s13’s that i have heard of over here… mostly in vancouver


I just called the guy and this is our conversation:

Me - “Hey I’m calling regarding an ad you placed in the Auto Trader.”
Him - “Oh yeah, what car were you looking at?”
Me - “Umm…well the 180sx?”
Him - “Oh yeah.”
Me - “Sorry but I’m really confused, this car is legal?”
Him - “Yeah.”
Me - “Like certified and registered to be driven in Canada?”
Him - “Yeah, it’s listed as a 180sx.”
Me - “Well then I’d like to come have a look at it. Where are you located?”
Him - “Well I’ll be in mississauga during the week so.”
Me - “Alright so I’ll give you a call sometime during the week to come by and have a look at it.”


i know a guy in hong-couver that that happened to, his 180 was mint too but he wrote it off. he said its dangerous to turn, just like solarian said.

Actually no that’s not what it is.

It’s a Legally Registerd 1991 RHD 180SX.

I know the guy who imported that car…

how can it be legal if its a 91?

there are very few ways to legal get a newer than 15 year old car in the country, the easiest, or rather simplest is actually if you live in japan and bring it over as part of your “personal effects” but i dont think that is the case

it doesn’t cost anything to swap a car to RHD if you are given the left over front cut by a friend…just welding gas, labour and a spot weld drill

How not?

He has also impored and registerd a R33 Skyline, 1996 Bubble Back Civic, 1998 DelSol CRX etc…

Never herd of loopholes or “grey aera’s”?