Driving with expired travel permit.

What kinda fines we looking at if caught?

You talking about a 10 day temporary trip permit?

yeah. my car needs cert papers tomorrorow. l gotta drive it to the garage, they expired yesterday.

isnt it another 15 bucks to get another paper?

you can only get it once per certifie

fine is like $1500 or something… just have a friend drive really close behind you

I’ve done that a bunch of times

or put some expired plates on it and some snow over the sticker… i did that a few time this week…

lol ok for one car your allowed 3 a year, BUT…you can only get one with the ownership not in your name.
also it depends on the cop cause i had to drive to work one day on an expired trip perment, i got busted doing a u-turn to get into the driveway. he just said go get a new one and took the one i had, so then i had to drive to the ministry at luch to find out it was closed for renovations, then i had to drive home then to the ministry again the next day with NOTHING on my car.
but it is all about the cop
speaking of which, i need to renewmy sstickers

i swear you are supposed to have the cert before the 10 day permit.

find someone with the same colour and model of car, use their plates and throw their ownership/insurance in your car just in case.

cop runs the plates and sees that they match the description of the car and you get no hassle. been there, done that, been pulled over doing that and it was fine.

the reason why they let you have a 10 day trip permit before you put the ownership in your name(your name on the other side writtin in pen) is to get your car saftied and e-tested.
if you dont get it in the first 10 days. then you have to tow your car. Unless you can con the ministry togive you another one. the one i go to hooks me up all the time, if not then you have to tow it.
your allowed after that 2 for the one car for the year.

LOL good idea

anywais i got a couple tickets im fighting…i got one ticket for 110 for driving with an expired permit n then a 65 doller one for failing to show insurance slip.