Drug Testing an entire city at once...

Real intersting technology & read. Well into the research phase, and prolly not too far from roll-out.

The approach is, in essence, a community drug test. By analyzing wastewater at treatment plants or at strategic spots throughout sewer systems, scientists can run extraordinarily accurate and anonymous tests on an entire population without ever asking anyone to hand over a cup of urine. (Everyone has to use the toilet, after all.)

i don’t have to take a test to tell you i do drugs

I piss in grass outside… my urine goes into the water table not the sewers :slight_smile:

What about @ work?

They can do this accuratly down to a block by block level… or even building by building as allowed by local gov’t.

I think it’s pretty cool. It’s certainly going to be more accurate than they current system of going door to door and asking people if they do illegal drugs. No matter how confidential you tell someone your survey is most illegal drug users aren’t going to answer that question honestly.

I wish Amherst was doing it when Bill Kindel was pushing so hard to hire a bunch more APD to battle the “drug problem”. It would be nice to have some real numbers not a bunch of fear mongering to get more people on the town payroll.

I also like the idea of being able to judge if a crackdown is working in near real time.

On the privacy side I wonder how long before they can link a single DNA sample to a drug test though.


There is still alot of refinement to do, as far as assuming dosages before this can be a legal tool on an individual basis. However, it could definately have a huge community role. Hell, they could (with proper authority) install meters in the public access pipe of every single home.

I don’t know how much you could really do with that. We had a party Friday night with about 20 people at the house. If APD showed up this week and said “you’re under arrest for cocaine use” they have no way of proving which individual to charge. They don’t test for the presence of drugs at a DNA level so even if they could prove the sample of poo belonged to me they can’t prove the cocaine wasn’t from cross contamination.

And no, it wasn’t a coke party before someone makes a smartass comment.

I don’t agree with mass drug testing. I don’t do drugs at all but I never agreed with it.

If you are looking to get government benefits such as welfare, child support, or social security, then I believe you should be drug tested so our tax money isnt being wasted. For the general working public who go to work every day and live normal lives, what they do in their free time is their own business. As soon as it impacts their work habits or other people is when it should be taken into consideration IMO.

My company now for example and the past few that I have worked for, no pre screening and they don’t care what you do in your free time. If you come into work high or messed up tho, then you can bet you will be screened.

lol who care’s who use’s and who dosent?
Haha, want to stop the drug problem, it’s easy to do.
you can eliminate it by 3/4 by doing one thing.
Drug test everyone who gets pulled over.
Make them piss, they fail bye bye license for a year.
Who would use then? Nobody.
the war on drug’s is stupid and a waste of time and money.

Word, kind of like drinking an driving. Never happens anymore.

what would happen to all the judges, cops, lawyers, nurses, doctors, teachers etc that all failed that piss test?


they would encourage public transportation by taking the bus.
this ofcourse would have to be acompanied by, a lengthy jail sentence for driving without a license.

If they want to have a shot at the war on drugs, they have to make shit strict and the consequences dire.
The only thing that stops people from killing people are the consequences.
Few peoples Ex girls would be alive, if the consequences for murder were the same as a DWI.

In closing, who gives a fuck who uses drugs and who dosen’t.
Weed is not killing anyone, Infact its probably saving lives.
How many people have wanted to beat someones ass , or pull somebodys face off until they smoked a blunt and calmed down?

Theres worse things. Same with drinking and driving.
Want to eliminate it?
Drinking and driving should be attempted murder.
Whos gonna do it then?, if they get 25 years for it?
Not manslaughter after you ruin someones life, so you can get out in a year.
Fact is they don’t want to stop this shit, because they are making too much money off of it.

ugh, You need to post alot less often.

Of course. Sad but true. Its all about the money. Someone who gets put in jail for 25 years becomes a member of the system and the state and county needs to pay for them to be there. If they only put them there for a year and force them to pay all the fees after getting arrested, they make money on it.

The urinals at my company are hooked up to a DNA/drug test machine already.
j/k (for now):snky:

So I take it you piss in the grass too?

Why would I fire myself?:smiley:
And no I don’t do drugs.(my parents loved me.)

Yuh huh



But srsly, if a company were to install such a setup, it could signal them that there is a problematic trend . Lets say Acme Co then springs a round of random testing amongst the staff, then they toilet monitors can verify if id had any effect…

No more liquid lunches

How long do I have to pay for being a smart ass for one day?:stuck_out_tongue: