DSL problem

ok so Verizons DSL service so far has been great.

Last night I installed Thunderbird and set it up thru my gmail account. Worked perfect.

Before going to sleep I turned my computer off and turned my router/modem off.

This morning I went to check my email before heading to work and I was able to browse my inbox at first, but when I went to reply to an email it wouldnt send. Then I tried opening internet explorer and that wouldnt load any pages either.

All seems fine except on my router. the lights are on for “DSL” “WIRELESS” “E1” but the “INTERNET” light isnt going on (which it usually is on). I tried restarting my machine and reset the modem/router. It still didnt work.

any ideas? It may just be network congestion or whatever. Anyone ever have problems like this? I’m new to highspeed so not sure if it’s common or what.

it may be fine when I get home tonight… who knows.

uh just call. they’ll set it up in no time. happened to mine originally too, have you changed your login/password from the default yet? if not you should.

btw why did you turn the router off???

did you secure it yet?

just call they’ll walk you through it…

secure it? what do you mean?

I dont know why I turned it off… just used to shutting things down lol

I would call, but I couldnt stand their customer service when I called before :frowning:

secure it – like WEP? WPA?

you really don’t have a choice about calling though… i mean if you want it to work and all lol. :gotme:

you need them to set it up for you, trust me. they’ll have you log into your router and put in your user/pw and shit again. then once you’re online, have you go on and change the info to something you’ll remember – because the username/pw they give you will be like “Vd6HK295a” and they are case sensitive. in the future you shoud: #1 secure your connection with at least a WEP and #2 plug the router into a surge protector and don’t power it down without reason.