I’m pimpin’ teh verizon DSL and it is pretty damn quick. According to the install guy he says my hub is just up the street. $30 . … ? company pays

I would call verizon and tell them your addy and ask how far the hub is and the avg. transfer rate.----> they know this stuff.:slight_smile:

hope this helps. good luck

you get free basic cable with power link

not yet :frowning:

move to alden and get time warner … ive had all 3, road runner (time warner), PL. and DSL

we just switched to the DSL, bc we had a a phone line and never used the basic cable and DSL is cheaper

i really dont like the DSL, it likes to kick me off line while im in the middle of things,sometimes it just wont work - then without changing anything its fine

and i have to power cycle everything, every 2-3 days or i cant get online

It’s called “broadcast” and it’s 0-32 or something

“basic cable” includes discovery, espn, yadda yadda…

if you don’t have any other services with adelphia, be prepared to pay an extra 10 bucks

nope they stopped charging the extra 10 for broadcast, so you get internet you get free local channels. They just started eating those charges about a year ago

Maybe because you get powerlink at a discounted rate because you are a tv subscriber also? You need to think more.

Best cable provider EVAR!!!

I use both DSL and cable.I’ve got no probs with either but cable is about 4x as fast considering I got stuck with the shitty speed because im outside of the range for 3mbps down .

I’ve had PowerLink and Verizon DSL as well as Roadrunner when I lived at home.

Roadrunner if you are in their area was very good.
Verizon DSL was very good, but Verizon’s Home customer service sucks a fat one. They are absolutely aweful.
PowerLink is ok. Its slows way down during peak hours and so far this summer I have lost service 3 times.

Cable has higher peak speeds than DSL. I think its something like 900kb/sec or something but can dip as low as 100kb/sec only slightly faster than dial up.

DSL remains consistent at 300kb/sec or so, regardless of the amount of traffic.

At 8pm I can’t do shit on PowerLink because its so slow.

I just got Verizon DSL and I love it so far.

my d/l speeds are anywhere from 80kbps to 180 kbps. Fast enough for me. it takes around 5 mins to download a 60 meg file. Compared to the shitty dial up I had before, it’s deffinitly a+ IMO.

first 2 moths are free… next 2 months are 19.00 a month and for the rest of the year it’s 29 a month. Cheep compared to cable

I understand that. But it makes no sense to penalize someone that has been a customer, and wants to downgrade their service. Thats basically what they are doing.

I know they are in the process of being purchased by Time Warner, but until the name is completely gone, I just see the company that almost ran the Sabres into the ground, did absolutely no good for WNY and that continously raises their prices the maximum the law allows as frequently as the law allows. I seriously wish there was another cable company around here as an alternative, but there isn’t. You can either choose to pay for John Rigas to show up to court in $1,000 suits and a limo, or you can sit here and bitch about Adelphia like I’m doing!!! I don’t pay them a cent!!!

Hiring 1500 people is no good for wny? They could open a call center cheaper anywhere else in the world but they did it here and they pay people very well. They could have saved millions opening in another state with lower taxes but they didnt. They are one of the only places that is still hiring while everyone else is either packing up and leaving or laying off hundreds.

I can’t get DSL or I would. Powerlink is way too fucking expensive.

With what you pay in rent you can afford the PL. I don’t know what plan I have but I pay $42 a month for mine. I never really have any slow periods and I don’t need a phone line.

With PL I can download movies on my desktop while Karen surfs the web uploading and downloading her photos on her laptop all during a Halo 2 game being played on xbox live. DSL can’t do that.

fucking word.

4 pc’s & a laptop in my house. at any given time at least two of these are on the 'net actively. no sweat.
even with two pc’s streaming music, one pc on Valve / Steam and the laptop surfing… no sweat.
To me, that’s worth the extra $15 or w/e.


If you had your facts straight this wouldn’t be a problem for you. Rigas has nothing to do with the company. He hasn’t for 2 years, maybe a little longer than that. The company is currently owned by a guy named Ron Cooper. You do know that Rigas is serving time right? So next time you see him on TV, you can THINK Adelphia but he has nothing to do with the cmpany now.

You do realize that when Adelphia does become Time Warner, it is just going to be a nmae change. Also, even with the increased Adelphia rates, we are still currently cheaper then Time Warner offering the same packages.

How does giving you the NORMAL price of Powerlink as a STANDALONE a penalty if a customer cancels tv services?

I’m sure Rigas is in prison. Yeah ok. He’s in his mansion under house arrest. Oh, that hurts. He lost his company and he deserved to. He lost money, but what about all the money he lost that wasn’t his?? Shareholders lost $100’s of $1,000s. Should I add that many of these shareholders were local business men and women? Does that improve the local economy? I don’t think so.

Yes, they opened a call center. I guess even 1,500 jobs is better then none. So they did do some good.

I am fully aware that Rigas has no part of Adelphia. I was just stating (under my own opinion) that until the name change takes place, I will always think negatively about Adelphia. And when that name change does take place, there will be more rate hikes I’m sure.

I guess what I’m trying to say, is that the bad outweigh the good.

I will end it here. Back to the topic of the thread, I vote for DSL because its cheaper and TO ME, it seems just as fast. I also haven’t had any problems with it since I got it, although I know others have. It just depends on where you live for both services.



Thank You :slight_smile:


Now get powerlink you cheap ass!

Help me move el capitano!