DSM help LOLZ (Cd player)

not sure if is in the right spot or not. But im having some trouble getting my cd player hooked up in my 1997 tsi. I bought both harnesses brand new at circuit city ,pluged them in and grounded the ground wire to a screw , holding one of the trim pieces on, that didnt work.Then i tried it again grounding it on the metal cage the cd player sits in and still no power to the cd player at all,everything else in the car gets power and works fine. I checked the fuses for the radio under the hood and they were fine. its sucks having the only thing to listen to in your car being a turbo spool :wink: lol. Any ideas on what it might be??

thanks, mike

its not a good ground.

The ground wire usually gets hooked to a ground in the harness. That screw might not be grounded.

hmm i touched the ground wire to the metal cage and it was sparking a little from contact so i fugured it was a decent ground.maybe not

If you plug in your antenna wire it should be a good enough ground to turn on the radio. Ide get a wire tester and test the red and yellow wire. Red should be switched power (key on) and yellow will be constant power (always shows power).


thanks guys, i had the antenna plugged in and still no power what so ever to either cd player i have :frowning:

My bet is that the harness you bought isn’t making a good connection with your stock harness. Make sure none of the pins got bent over when you connected the two. That could cause a problem. Also throw the stocker back in and see if it turns on. (if you still have it)

use a chassis ground

you need to ground that black wire to something big and metal in there. like the guy above me said, chassis ground. the antenna is not a ground. its an antenna.

i dont have a stock for the car and both harnesses are brand new , the ground wire on the harness is short and theres not many places to ground it hmm ill keep lookin tho