DSM Reliability?

I’ve been looking to buy a 2g AWD DSM for awhile now because of how easy to mod they are and the great styling. I have finally found one that is in my price range and in great condition. But i notice that everyone on here always says how unreliable they are, is this true or are people just exaggerating it? Are they that more unreliable than any other car? I need a car that is decently reliable but i understand that things do break and normal maintenance is needed especially with a modified car. If there are any out there with some knowledge about this id appreciate it. Thanks.


Supposedly if you mod it correctly and don’t beat the shit out of it rumor has it they do work. But that is only true in few cases as most either were:

A. Beat on by some kid
B. Modded in a cheap/improper fashion

here lemme use the search button for you:


look up threads/posts by Rx3… he’s usually involved in like, all the DSM threads

there might be more qualified people, i’m just throwing his name here cause i know he shows up on here in a LOT of good arguments that i’ve enjoyed reading for the info :tup:

children and guns
electricity and water
Don king and any traffic violation involving police
Mitsubishi and reliability

all of these do not mix

Edit: HAHAHAHAHAH fuzzy used my motivational poster :rofl:

i serriously looked at buying a 2g DSM as a daily driver for a while, and to be honest, there aren;t really any out there that are not beat to fuck. i wasnt even looking at AWD or turbo ones, and all the NA ones i looked at had the piss beat out of them (except one, which i was THISCLOSE to buying but thats another story).

as far as the expense of owning one, keep in mind that ANY all wheel drive vehivle is gonna cost more to fix when shit breaks (just so happens that DSMs like to break more then other cars), but a lot really depends on who owned it before. lets say it was owned by an older guy who used it as basica transportation, it may have a few more miles on it, but odds are it wasnt beat on on it was maintained and taken care of. i would stay away from anything that has been modded or owned by any1 under the age of 30, because i can almost gaurentee u that no matter how well they claim to have babied it and taken care of it, it was beat on.

if you really have your heart set on this car, then go for it. but i really think you should consider some other options. it seems like u like the 2g because of the way it looks and how easy they are to mod. i would say boil that down to this: you want a smaller AWD car that you can easily mod. i obviously dont know your budget, but i would maybe spend a little more and look into Subaru WRXs. they’re absolute tanks and are extremely reliable and well known for thier AWD systems (which DSM are NOT). if AWD is not a prioriry, (as much as it pains me to say this) HONDA HONDA HONDA. civics can be had for dirt cheap now and are easy as hell to mod/rebuild/repair and they hardly ever break.

but like i said, if u are hell bent on getting a AWD 2g DSM, i guess theres not much we can do to change your mind. at least u rnt going for a Stealth or 3000GT, where each repair begins with “Step 1: Completely remove motor”

Done right, you can make a DSM reliable. Most of the time, people who mod them are too cheap and thus the DSM gets a bad repuation. Don’t get me wrong, Mitsubishi did cut corners and make cheap parts…

Unless you have about 25k to set aside inorder to mod it so that it will be fast and reliable, run like hell and buy a honda.

dont worry about reliability that is why hybrid does such great business its also there awsome work too!

hahahahahaha, as long as someone is driving a DSM I will have a customer :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol.Do you want the anxiety everytime you get into your car? run to Honda is right. Best decision car wise I have ever made. I did love it tho when it was not on jackstands.

I bought my 90 gsx, i have never had any problems with it (unless it was my fault). i did buy it from an older guy. My alternator went, which was most likely from my system, my radiator got a hole in it, which was from a rock or something. and that’s it i had the car for like a year and a half, took it to carlisle and back no problem. Good luck with your choice

ya i do own a civic now and love never having it in the shop but everything about it is so boring to me. The interior the exterior everything. I kno they can be made to go very fast but i wouldnt feel comfortable doin my own custom turbo setup. Thats why i was so intrigued by DSMs in the first place and the awd which makes it a blast to drive. I just want a nice dd that is fairly quick. i guess i have some thinking to do as i am a poor college student and cant afford weekly repairs or however frequently stuff breaks

If ur gonna have one have deep pockets for “just in case” shit.

yeah, what’s don know about DSM’s anyway :wink:

I fuckin love my DSM…:banghead:

I love dsms but I hate 2gs they are garbage, they are built so cheap its not funny. Find a clean 1g and fix everything by the book and you’ll be set… mine never has problems and I beat the fuck out of it. It’s all about being intelligent and learning all the problem areas, keep the known problems in check and you will rarely have a problem.

devioustsi what makes 2gs such garbage to you? I’ve always heard it was the 1gs that have more problems and were not put together as well aside from the 6 bolt.

i <3 dsm’s.

me too

i would hope so.

for your arm’s sake.