dubbsters 04.5 gli

You’ll never get pulled over on the thruway r speeding doing 74. Did 200 hours community service at a courthouse, spoke with many troopers, the 2 judges, and all his little workers. Yes technically I was speeding, but that magic number on the thruway is 75 that’s when they start getting ya… if he was concerned about my speed he would have given me the ticket… he was a complete asshole. I was being very polite at first he treated me like dogshit, so I didn’t say a word to him after that point, jus kkept my mouth shut, didn’t wanna blow up on a trooper that wouldn’t solve anything. All in all I know enough people that its getting taken care of.

Yes I wanna go back to stock front end with the lip kit, anyone know anyone who’s tryna get rid of one? Idk what I’m going to da as far as rims yet, I found a nice pair of bbs rims tht I like, I think their the… rs-gt? Haven’t looked in a while. As far as the front grille… terrible story with that haha. When I bought the car in april it was the weekend of honda day in jersey, I was on my way there from maryland(where I picked the car up) and the plastic badgeless front…broke during an insane rainstorm. Idk if any of you guys went down to honda day or remember tht rainstorm, but I drove in tht shit for like 5 hrs, guess it was just rainin too hard for the plastic grille :confused: I have the hood insert aswell, just needs to be painted and put on however that’s done.